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Physical Exercises for Flabby Arms

For those who are short on funds and wish to cancel your gym regular membership, or don?t have sufficient time to visit the gym, an item that you should buy is adjustable dumbbells. Here are a few exercises that for flabby arms.

The first one will be the Dumbbell Hammer Curl. Bring the dumbbells up and down. Breath in and breathe out gently and repeat this procedure 15-20 times. Second exercise is the tricep kickbacks. Put your left leg back and your right hand on top of your right knee. Move your elbow up and bring the hand weights forward and backward. Switch to the other side and do the same. Make sure that your back is flat and look straight ahead. Bring the dumbbell all the way up and hold it for a few seconds. Move it down slowly and make sure that it doesn’t swing. This is a powerful set of exercise that works on your biceps and triceps.

Here is an additional technique that you can use. You will need 5 lbs dumbbells. In this set of workouts, you will need to do a bicep curl, a shoulder press, rotate your palms to perform a tricep extension after that, take down the dumbbells to do a lateral raise. Do each set twelve times.

After a few sets, increase the weight of the dumbbells to improve the degree of challenge. Progress and consistency is important in boosting your level of fitness. Your body will adjust to new needs as soon as you increase the number of repititions and the challenge of the workout.

If you are a beginner, you will probably think that this kind of exercises are too difficult. You can start with 8 repetitioons and gradually increase to 12. You should not push yourself way too hard rapidly because it can cause severe problems or you might burn yourself too much. Consistency is very important. Take into account that performing a minor workout often is better that doing too much every once in a while.

Both sets will provide you with the same great results. With no membership required, these exercises will help you get the sexy and slim arms that you always wanted.

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