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The Best Detox Diet: Three Things to Avoid

Having a great body is actually one of the finest things to have in life. Imagine having a great personality, killer looks and a body to die for. Someone people say you can’t have it all but you can actually really have it all if you want to. If you really want to succeed in that part of your life, you should start your natural weight loss diet soon. Yes, no shortcuts. No pills. All you really have to do is to do it the natural way. Why? Because there is really no other way than that.

The best detox diet, what does it include?

1) Refrain from sugar.

If you didn’t realize this already, sugars are bad for you. These make you feel fat and attribute to bloating. Things like chocolate, donuts and candy need to be avoided. These products contain a high amount of sugar and make you put on weight. If you struggle with sugar cravings, chew sugarless gum. You will stop cravings and forget hunger when you chew gum. When you bake or need sweetener in your coffee or other drinks, make use of the sugar alternatives found in just about every store you go to.

2) Detox from alcohol.

You may not be aware of this, but alcohol consumption is one of the leading causes of being overweight. The beer belly didn’t get its name for no reason. You can never attain a toned mid section if you consume a lot of beer or any other type of alcohol. Cocktails are bad for adding empty calories into your system, too, because they make use of sodas, juices and other sugary substances. If giving up alcohol is not an option to you, you need to incorporate a good exercise routine to shed those extra calories. Sweating and increasing activity will reduce the caloric effect of the alcohol. Don’t want to exercise as much? Stick to straight up drinks on the rocks like scotch, whiskey and vodka.

3) Avoid carbs at all costs!

Eating carbohydrates is not advised in a natural weight loss programs. These carbs give you energy, but refraining from carbs doesn’t mean that you are going to become sluggish. Remember, moderation is key, so if you can’t cut them out completely, at least reduce your intake drastically. A total detoxification from carbs is recommended, and with this, you consume carbohydrate alternatives for energy. Eat more fiber instead of carbs- for example, eat oatmeal for breakfast instead of a bagel and cream cheese, a muffin or toast. Eat whole grain pasta instead of the traditional product. If you are a rice lover, eat brown rice instead of white rice.

Pills are a weight loss option, but if you can lose more weight naturally, why take pills?

Learn more about natural weight loss diet systems. Stop by Kristaria Dawson’s site where you can find out all about the detox diet program and what it can do for you.

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