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Diets For Quick Weight Loss That Benefit Women

When women are trying to find diets for quick weight loss, they sometimes get frustrated when they don't lose the weight the way they thought they would. Men and women do lose weight somewhat differently and when a woman chooses diets for quick weight loss, they need to take that into consideration.

Here are some diets for quick weight loss that have been shown to help women lose weight:

The Low Glycemic Index Diet - This diet is good for women who have diabetes or are pregnant. It has been shown to help women not only lose weight, but also to maintain their weight once they get where they need to be.

A low glycemic index diet has foods with a glycemic value lower than 50. Some examples of this are foods like green beans, peanuts, cucumbers, lettuce, snow peas, whole grains, skim milk, and other veggies and fruits. One popular commercial low glycemic diet that is touted on TV a lot is the Nutrisystem diet. Their diet is based on this principal of low glycemic foods.

Medifast Diet

This is one of the diets for quick weight loss that also is proven to work for women. In the Medifast Diet you eat five meals a day and eat foods like chicken, seafood, salad, raw vegetables and low carbohydrate vegetables. However, this isn't a diet that pregnant women should try or if you have cancer or are otherwise debilitated.

The Medifast Diet says you can possibly lose 20 pounds in 30 days if you follow it correctly. Medifast is portion controlled and low calorie and can be tailored to the nutritional needs of teens, adults, nursing mothers, or people with diabetes.

Low Carbohydrate Diets

Low carbohydrate diets like the South Beach Diet are also good diets to lose weight fast. Some low carbohydrate foods include foods like milk, tomatoes, spinach, strawberries, eggs, chicken, and broccoli to name a few.

Zone Diet

This is one of the diets for quick weight loss that consists of a plan to eat 40 percent carbohydrates, 30 percent proteins, and 30 percent fats. It is supposed to help you to balance your hormone levels, improve mental ability, and give you more energy, especially women who eat the foods from the 11 food zones in this diet. Some of the allowed foods are things like eggs, stew, beans, blueberry pancakes, and herbed beef to name a few.

Cabbage Soup Diet

This diet has been fairly popular in the past, and can work for both men and women. It is considered a fad diet because you get the weight loss by eating a special made low calorie cabbage soup for a week, plus specified vegetables, fruit and meats. It isn't meant to be a permanent diet, but one to use short term as one of the diets for quick weight loss.

No matter which of the above diets for quick weight loss that you may try, you should always first consult with a doctor to make sure your body is ok to try that sort of diet. Plus, it is a good idea to include some exercise along with the diet to speed up your metabolism.
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