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Stretching And Muscle Endurance

There are various exercises that are helpful to make our body flexible. These are the various stretching flexibility exercise.

Before listing some basic stretching exercises, we will start by defining the terms 'flexibility' and 'stretching'. 'Flexibility' is the ability of the joint to move without problems and 'stretching' is deliberately elongating a muscle to increase its flexibility. Stretching is also important for daily life activity because it prevents injuries and improves your body's health.

Now we will present you the promised list:

1. Hurdlers Stretch - extend one leg, curl into the body the other one and lean with your lower back
2. Butt and Hamstring Stretch - lie down, lift one leg and hold the other into your body until you feel a stretch
3. Hip Flexor Stretch - one leg forward on the knee and one behind, then bend your front knee
4. Groin Stretch - spread your legs forward and keep leaning on one side with hand on knee until you feel a stretch.
5. Forearm Stretch - hold one hand by the fingers and pull back until you feel a stretch
6. Chest and Anterior Deltoid Stretch - one arm against the wall, then lean towards it until you feel a stretch
7. Calf Stretch - stand up, your hands against the wall, lunge one leg back and bend the other to the front until you feel a stretch; change legs alternatively.
8. Neck Rotations - just rotate your head back and forth
9. Back / Rhomboid Stretch - with one arm cross the front of your body and with the other squeeze it towards your body.

Muscular endurance is the ability of the muscles to perform cyclic dynamic contractions over an extended period of time. Basically, the contractions are against some resistance. I will enumerate and give a clear view about how to enhance the muscular endurance within you in this piece of writing.

The three forms of muscular endurance are:

Repetitive dynamic contraction - Example Boat rowing, bicycling, running, etc
Continuous tension - Example Yoga and Meditation
Prolonged intense contraction - Football, Basketball, etc.

Muscle fibers are put into two forms namely fast twitch and slow twitch fibers. They are categorized on the basis of contraction speed and the fatigue rate. The slow twitch muscles' contract speed is quite low when compared to the fast twitch muscles. The slow twitch muscles are relatively fatigue resistant. Muscular endurance is usually acquired by the slow twitch muscles. For instance, let's consider football, volleyball or hockey. Here, continuous oscillation of legs is required. The athletes need to possess a balanced muscular endurance otherwise, it is sure, they tire in the mid of the game. Here, the muscular endurance is needed in the legs to sustain the direction changes, quick acceleration, quick stops, hops, jumps, recovery and so on. The aerobic hold is acquired by few training programs. Various activities like jogging, swimming, walking and bicycling (repeated continuous dynamic contraction of muscles) enhance the muscular endurance. Aerobics are also utilized for muscular endurance. It aids in enriching the aerobic capacity within oneself.

To conclude, the muscular endurance acts to improve the cardiovascular system, muscular strength and hence a perfect fit and strong body.
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