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Motivation To Lose Weight - Best Weight Loss Strategies

Weight loss is a nearly universal issue and is often difficult to accomplish. Each new year, tens of thousands of people make new years resolutions to lose weight, and most of them fail or give up in the long run. What about the ones who succeed? What is their secret, and how do they keep their motivation to lose weight.

The purpose of this article is to share with you what gives those people the success they have achieved; to put in your hands the tools that give you the motivation to succeed.

Reading this article will not make you lose weight. Following these steps for just a couple of weeks will not make you achieve the weight you want to lose. Following the plan and sticking to it will. You are the key to your own success.

Now let us break this system down into a five step program that will help motivate you.

Step 1: Setting Goals
The first step you need to take in order to achieve your weight loss is setting realistic goals. Make sure that your goals are specific. Goals like "I want to lose some weight" and "I want to look better in my bathing suit" are not specific enough to keep track of and encourage you with success. Specific goals like I want to lose 8 pounds in the next month, or I want to lose two pants sizes in the next three months work much better. Make sure that when you set your goals that you make them both challenging and realistic to achieve. If you made up your mind to lose two pounds in a month, it wouldn't be much of a challenge, but if you decided to lose seventy pounds in a month, you most likely could not achieve it, making you frustrated and ready to give up.

Step 2: Bite Sized Pieces
If you really want to achieve your goals, it is good to break them down into bite sized pieces. If you want to lose fifty pounds in the next year, you could break it down into losing four to five pounds per month for the next year. That way, it is much easier to track your progress and not get bogged down by how difficult it is to lose fifty pounds.

Step 3: Choose a Program that is Right for You
Let's face it: There are thousands of diets out there that claim to have systems that will work for anybody. The truth is that everybody's body type is different, and what worked for your neighbor will not necessarily work for you. What worked for me was cutting down on my carbohydrates and sugars.

Step 4: Exercise Program
If you really want to succeed at losing weight, you need to find an exercise program that you are comfortable with and stick to it. Many people exercise for two or three weeks, and give up because they do not see results. If you want to achieve your goals, you need to stick with your program, even when everybody else gives up.

Step 5: Success
If you set attainable goals, get a winning program, exercise regularly, and stick to it for months on end, you are bound to succeed.

Stay motivated and achieve your goals!
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