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How Safe Is The South Beach Low Carb Diet?

Let's face the facts. Most diets are simply passing fads that we waste way too much of our time trying to turn into a new lifestyle. Most of them simply cannot be followed long term and are a complete waste of energy. Then there is the South Beach low carb diet, which seems to actually be something that many people can work into a permanent eating plan.

Yet, many people are still questioning whether low carb is really healthy.

The first thing everyone needs to understand is that this plan is not the same as the Atkins diet. This plan is based on the idea of a reduced carbohydrate intake, but it does not advocate eliminating them altogether in favor of protein. Eating too much of this food group is not good for your body, but you do need some for proper body functioning.

Balancing this one food group can be quite tricky. You don't want to cut it out too much and suffer for it, but eating too much will lead to obesity and health problems. This is one plan that actually does a great job of helping you discover the perfect balance for your individual body.

Certain carbohydrates can in fact make you feel quite miserable. Some people find they are nauseous, tired, and just feeling unlike themselves when they take in some sources of this food group. This plan will help you discover the culprit for any of these symptoms you experience regularly. You will feel better by the time you reach the last phase.

In the first phase of the South Beach low carb diet plan you will seriously reduce your intake of carbs. This is simply a result of focusing on lower GI index foods, which do not send your blood sugar for a huge spike and then crash it back down a short period of time later. Lower GI index foods are healthier and thus are your focus at first.

Essentially, you are cleaning your body of the toxins and residual damage left behind from years of eating fatty, sugary foods. Your carb intake will come from lots of vegetables, rather than the pasta and breads that you have likely been living off of before starting the plan.

If you can get past this first part of the plan then you can follow the later phases for the rest of your life. This is the most restrictive part of it all, and is the reason the plan has been attacked as being unhealthy. As long as you do not plan on living with the first phase forever, it is actually one of the healthiest weight loss plans ever to hit the market.

You may even choose to use the first stage later in life as others have. It is a great tool for getting your body cleaned out and back on track after a slip up.

The South Beach low carb diet is actually one of the healthiest weight loss plans out there. You add foods back into your life one a time in the later phases, essentially weeding out the ones that make you feel less than healthy. This is a personalized approach that leaves you with your own plan suited especially to your own body.
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