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Big Problem

I can't seem to lose this weight -
See the hippo in the zoo.
What I eat won't satiate
No matter what I do.
My scale reads high
As I step off with a sigh.
So if you like to gloat
I've been thinking -
We're all in the same boat
And it's sinking!

In the first place, you should never eat and watch television. Not only do you forget what you ate, but also how much you ate. There must be dozens of dieting shows on the tube, but none of them address the fact that you are hungry, so you eat.

One fact that may help is that the smaller the portions that you serve yourself, the smaller your stomach becomes and the less food you need to be satisfied. diabetics with a weight problem are coached to measure their portions in palm sized amounts. We tend to fill whatever dish we have in front of us and we were taught to not to waste food and to eat everything on our plate. Maybe it would help to down size the dish.

We pay hundreds of dollars every year for ?Fat Free? foods. The human body has mechanisms to store fat for lean years. Fat is the last energy source to be expended. Our cave men ancestors found fat hard to come by in the wild since nuts, berries, roots , leaves and even high metabolism squirrels contained little fat. Unfortunately, in some sense, food in this day and age and country is plentiful.

One diet that works for many people is to eat more vegetables and less meat and dairy products. Most jobs involve miles of walking and stair climbing which qualify as exercise. It is true that the muscles will rise to the demand, expanding when the demand exceeds their capacity. And there is little fat in muscles.

One good way to exercise and increase you muscle tone is the resistance method. You attach a large rubber band to a door knob and pull until you get tired. No equipment to find a home for and you are reminded every time you go out or in. Another is the crunch device that simulates sit ups. We all have our own natural body shape and is goes against nature to change it to any extreme degree. Just eat right and keep busy.

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