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Ten Secrets of the Parisian Diet Explained by French Nutritionist

In the spirit of “French Women Don’t Get Fat,” Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen has released a diet program based on French eating habits. The Parisian Diet is based on the long-standing culture and habits of Parisians who love good food and still want to look their best.

It is called the French Paradox. Despite high intakes of dietary cholesterol and saturated fat, France is a country with low coronary heart disease incidence. Obesity rates in France are among the lowest in the world with only about 1 in 10 classified as obese and about 40% considered overweight.

Dr. Jean-Michel Cohen MD PhD, a well regarded nutrition expert in France and the recipient of the French National Order of Merit in 2002, created The Parisian Diet to encourage all to “change your attitude towards food into one that is pleasurable and yet health and sustainable.” This is the key for tackling food issues that result in obesity.

First, says Dr. Cohen, one must find their “Right Weight.” Most BMI tables and Ideal Weight Charts give a person an average weight loss goal based on what is considered the healthiest weight for their height. However, many find these goal weights a little low and therefore get discouraged before reaching their ideal. Dr. Cohen has created his own “Right Weight Calculator,” taking in consideration your own personal measurements at different points in your life, to come up with a starting goal that may or may not bring you to “normal” but will get you on the road toward a healthier weight.

The Right Weight Calculator

A. How much did you weigh when you were 18 years old, without dieting (e.g., 150 lb.)?
B. How much did you weigh at your heaviest, excluding pregnancy weight (e.g., 210 lb.)?
C. How much did you weigh at your lightest after age 18, with or without having dieted (e.g., 140 lb.)?
D. What is your current weight (e.g., 200 lb.)?

Add your results for A and B, and divide their sum by two. This becomes result E. Then, add your results for C and D, and divide their sum by two. This becomes result F. Add E and F and divide this sum by two. This helps you set a realistic weight loss goal. If you can remain at your Right Weight for 6-12 months, you can recalculate your new Right Weight.

The Three Phases of the Parisian Diet

The Parisian Diet is, like most diets, organized by phases with the first being the most strict. Unlike other diet plans, however, Dr. Cohen says you have the freedom to move through each one at your own pace.

1. The Café Phase, an optional and quick kick-start that includes a lot of liquids: smoothies, purees, soups, and beverages such as water, tea, and black coffee. This phase lasts between 8 - 10 days.

2. The Bistro phase will help you slim down while consuming nutrient, fiber, and protein-rich meals over 2-3 weeks.

3. The Gourmet Phase is designed for enjoyment. This phase can be continued until you reach your desired weight or, to speed-up your weight loss, you can alternate with the other phases.

The Parisian Diet also includes a Recovery Plan in case you encounter cheat days or other dieting pitfalls.

The Top 10 Secrets of the Parisian Diet

1. Enjoy your food
Parisians set a time and place for each meal. They take pleasure from their food and savor every bite. The feeling of satiety gets triggered sooner.

2. Take time to eat
The French will devote at least 20 minutes for their meals in a proper table setting. Do nothing else but eat. Step away from your desk at lunch break, or even wake up an extra 20 minutes earlier to be able to enjoy breakfast.

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