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Update on 50 million pound challenge at CVS locations

In early July, the announcement came that CVS pharmacy would partner with the 50 Million Pound Challenge to help address an increasing unhealthy American trend: obesity. Participating CVS locations offers the 50 Million Pound Challenge Guide book for free and invites all Americans to sign up online and take part.

It looks like Americans have listened. In just one week so far, 5.6 million pounds of fat have been lost by participants. With Dr. Ian Smith (Celebrity Fit Club) leading the way with expert advice, an easy-to-follow 30 day Meal plan, weight and activity trackers, a daily progress journal and an online community boasting of more than 1 million members, Americans have begun the great Challenge in an astounding way! The guide at CVS locations includes all the expert information a layperson needs and the online website has all the tools to keep you motivated.

With Michelle Obama’s anti-obesity campaign, awareness about obesity has increased. According to the United States Department of Health and Human Services Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, “Health, United States, 2006” report, obesity has doubled for children and tripled for adults. This is a shocking new trend that CVS wanted to help address and why it partnered with the 50 Million Pound Challenge to distribute free copies of the guide at all the CVS locations across the nation.

Parents who grew up as obese children in the current generation find it hard to consistently buy and make healthy foods for their children and instead rely on preprocessed, frozen meals that are quick and easy but could be deadly. As the information flyers CVS locations have already provided before show, obesity is linked to high blood pressure, cancer, diabetes and other potential life-defeating illnesses. The CVS distributed guide contains more information on how obesity is linked to these illnesses and how the illnesses affect quality of life.

Also, for people who do not know how to eat healthy, a meal planner is also included with the proper portion sizes. A general weight chart for typical weight ranges by heights is included. Further is information on how to formulate an exercise plan with a chart that shows how many calories are burned by each type of activity. A list of 7 Habits to Break for Better Health list helps identify the biggest weight lost blockers that people face in a typical American diet. The guidebook has a 7 day meal plan included with a weight loss tracker. With all that, it’s not hard to come up with a reasonable plan to get fit and healthy. All employees at CVS locations are looking forward to assisting people in meeting this challenge.

Dr. Ian Smith is the creator of the 50 Million Pound Challenge “Dr. Smith graduated from Harvard College with an AB and received a master’s in science education from Teachers College of Columbia University. After attending the Dartmouth Medical School, he completed his medical education and graduated from the University of Chicago Pritzker School of Medicine.”

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