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Whole Foods Market Encourages to Try CO2 Weight Loss Program

Diet and Organic Food

Whole Foods Market(R), the world's leading natural and organic foods supermarket and America's first national certified organic grocer, today announced that it has created a "diet" plan not for the waist but rather for "waste" to help shoppers reduce their carbon footprint on planet Earth. The first ever WHOLE EARTH WEIGH-IN: 30 Ways in 30 Days program takes place during April, which is "Earth Month."

"With each of us on average creating 94 pounds of carbon dioxide daily, it is more important than ever to minimize our individual contributions to global warming," said Michael Besancon, Southern Pacific regional president and Green Mission task force leader for Whole Foods Market. "Whole Foods Market is challenging shoppers to reduce their carbon dioxide emissions and make some real changes to positively affect climate change."

The United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change recently released conclusive evidence that global warming is indeed happening primarily as a result of the atmosphere being "overweight" with greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide.

Beginning April 1st, Whole Foods Market shoppers will have the chance to make a personal pledge online to reduce their carbon footprint, calculate their own carbon emissions, and take active steps toward reducing the country's rapidly expanding carbon footprint via the website www.wholefoodsmarket.com Shoppers can also find a user-friendly WEIGH-IN guide book complete with 30 Eco-Action tips in Whole Foods Market stores throughout April. A few examples include:

-- Sun Power: Adjust your window blinds to reduce energy used for heating

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