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The Healing Power Of A Good Acid Reflux Diet

Reflux can lead to a more serious condition with severe complications if it is not treated on time. There are many things that can cause reflux which include a low pressure in the areas of the esophagus, esophageal sphincter not functioning correctly and abnormal production of digestive acid in the esophagus.

Today, we know that reflux can happen when your lifestyle is stressful, unhealthy and involves a poor diet. The most efficient methods of acid reflux treatment in this sense is to have a good acid reflux diet. A good diet helps prevent the condition from occurring in the first place and also can control it long term. If the stomach produces an excessive amount of digestive fluids, it can greatly irritate the condition and therefore a balanced healthy acid reflux diet should only contain foods that will not irritate or impact the stomach. Foods to review include citrus foods, tomato, milk, fatty foods, spicy foods, alcohol, and caffeine. It is also important to remember that a good diet can also prevent a lot of diseases from entering your body and it will also keep your immune system strong which in turn will result in less chances of getting sick.

Foods that are heavy in fat make your condition worse, if you restrict these types of foods you can actually normalize the function in your stomach. Spices can irritate it however dairy products can actually calm the stomach and are good for it. Milk helps neutralize the levels in the digestive system and carries an overall benefit in stomach health.

It is advised to minimize or completely avoid alcohol as it is a huge irritant. Smoking also falls under the same category, these increase production of gastric acids which will cause acid reflux symptoms to occur. Caffeine related beverages, including coffee, tea and cola should be avoided as well or at least minimized as they can also irritate the stomach.

Foods that show benefits or are good for acid reflux sufferers include cabbage, beans, peas, apples, bananas, potatoes, meats that are low in fat, pasta, bread and rice. It is always beneficial to include more foods in your diet that have carbohydrates and also try to reduce the amount of protein. Chicken and fish are considered safe meats that will not irritate your stomach.

Following these simple directions can help your overall health and also reduce the chances and even eliminate acid reflux from your system.

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