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Taming The Feasting Frenzy: Losing weight without losing your mind.

How would you like to feel great on January 1 because you were able to either maintain your weight or even lose a few pounds over the holidays? Wouldn’t it feel terrific to feel that good about yourself and perhaps even be the envy of your friends who weren’t able to make it through the holidays unscathed in the weight department?

Taming the Feast Frenzy is a permanent weight loss program. It’s not a diet … it’s a way of life and a mindset. It’s a do-it-everyday and ‘get right back on the horse’ kind of program. These simple tools, when practiced daily, will help you get and stay in control and ditch old holiday eating patterns.

1. Use the word "No".
Remember when you were two? You knew how to say “no” then. Recapture that confidence and self assurance to say no to extra helpings, over scheduling, and anything else that makes your holidays out of control!

2. Eat micro-portions of the foods you love.
Just two or three tablespoons of foods you adore can be just enough to still enjoy your favorites and feel satisfied.

3. Practice mindful eating
The holiday time is filled with wonderful memories often built around food. Take the time to really enjoy the beauty of the food, the aroma, take small bites and savor the taste. You can enjoy the special memories without having to replicate the food or out-of-control eating.

4. Ditch the all or nothing mind-set.
So what if you over indulged at the party last night? Or had that extra brownie at lunch? Admit to yourself that it was yummy and then immediately move back into the practice of mindful eating.

5. Stop eating when you are satisfied.
Not when you are full or when you are stuffed, but at the moment when you know you have had enough. If you are eating slowly and mindfully, you’ll feel the feeling “in the moment”. Notice when you feel content and then stop eating.

Incorporate these five actions everyday throughout the holidays and when January rolls around you will find that you have at least maintained your pre-holiday weight. Maybe even released a few pounds.

Taming the Feast is possible by taking one small step at a time.

Here’s to a frenzy-free holiday.


For more Holiday Survival Tips: http://ht.ly/3gQJU

Just by falling asleep to the “Taming the Feast Self Hypnosis CD” you can stop the frenzy. http://ht.ly/3s9By

Have a wonderful and joyous holiday season.

Vickie Griffith

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