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Is The Ice Cream Diet For Real or Not?

Ok, here's something for you - this diet, the Ice Cream Diet, is an approach where you can enjoy your ice cream, every day, and still manage to lose weight. It's very common knowledge that ice cream will make you gain weight, and the creator of this diet is saying you don't have to give it up. This particular diet, we have to say, really piqued our interest, and we just wanted to find out if it's hype or bunk.

Ok, first, it makes good sense that the Ice Cream Diet advises you to eat lots of veggies, fruits, and good fibers. People get a kick out of the title of this diet, but the crux of it is to eat low calorie foods that are healthy. The Ice Cream Diet gives you suggestions for meals, including when you eat in restaurants. It's interesting that some are surprised, and maybe dismayed, that the 'safe' limits for ice cream consumption are on the sparse side, and why is that not surprising? They allow you the ice cream so you're not feeling oppressed or like you're on a totally restrictive diet. So it's really incredible because it's all worked out; lose weight and still be able to eat some ice cream every day along the way.

You can find low calorie ice cream, too, and this will add just one more little source of calcium for women which is very important. The calcium will only help, and what's more it has been shown that losing weight is aiding by adequate levels of calcium.

If you do not like dairy products, and you eat too little calories, then there could be issues with inadequate amounts of calcium available in your body. The book that explains this diet also makes a good case for getting your calcium from real foods and not just calcium supplements. The Ice Cream Diet helps you to lose weight while enjoying a treat, and you'll also benefit from giving your body enough calcium that it needs.

Because there isn't enough sceintific evidence, no one really knows if this diet really works. This is the new Trend in dieting. Advocates claim that the Ice Cream Diet is really effective. So if you decide to try this diet for yourself, you have to see for yourself if it works for you. Like all diets, the Ice Cream Diets has positive and negative aspects, some of which we've covered above. This diet plan is effective if you follow it and use the recommendations, and lots of folks have apparently had good success. See what the Ice Cream Diet can achieve for you, and it will take a good couple of months to do that.

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