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Will the Effects of Childhood Obesity Kill Kids?

Obese, overweight, fat, unhealthy kids are more prone to disease than healthy slim and trim children. A medically proven fact, There is no dispute!

Effects of childhood obesity will include

- High cholesterol

- High blood pressure

- Diabetes

- Bone problems

- Skin conditions

20% or more children are corpulent. Who or what is ultimately to blame for the effects of childhood obesity? The dilemma is complicated...

Not doing any exercise, becoming a couch potato,viewing TV, gazing at Computer for many hours at a time. Arguably the main problems.

Mom and Dad lead fast moving and stressful lives. They get really little time to spend with their children and to prepare much needed nourishing home cooked meals for these kids.

"Save time, Buy junk food" or equivalent advertizing bombards kids 24/7.

Sorry to say this listing is very depressing and endless.

Who should take the responsibility for the effects of childhood obesity?


Overweight parents are not good role models. Statistics advise 80% of adults are overweight and 78% do not meet basic recommendations for activity. Great role models we parents are turning out to be!

Why do we would like to have children if we are potentially killing them slowly but surely.

What is your Priority?

Answers to this dilemma will not be uncomplicated. You labor in reality for your loved ones to have a superior life. This better life likely contributes to the effects of childhood obesity. Your children possibly could suffer as a consequence of this enhanced life..

You toil day after day to earn a good salary, has it ever occurred to you what the effects of childhood obesity will cost you in medical bills.

Have you thought of the mental and physical torture for everyone trying to aid an obese kid on a serious medical disease, which could get been prevented.

The answer! Discipline, Discipline, Discipline... It commences with you as parent! How do you anticipate healthy kids if you follow an harmful lifestyle.

Obesity among kids has reached epidemic proportions. Fat, unhealthy parents in nearly all instances should take much of the blame for the childhood obesity epidemic in the world.

Mom and Dad, please reverse this abhorrent obesity epidemic among your children and show the world that it can be done.

Love, Sally.

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