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Why Are You Not Losing Weight?

I noticed something the other day on MSNBC.com relating to weight loss. Various reasons were provided for why so many people fail to lose weight successfully. The biggies all focused in upon ones mental approach to weight loss as opposed to changes of pure habit.

It was good to see this important fact being correctly given a high degree of recognition. Most people just think about weight loss in terms of what to cut out of their diet, or what quantity to eat at each meal or how many calories they need to burn each day or week. Yes these things need to be attended to, they have to be attended to, or you will not lose weight. But ones attitude towards these things dictates the willingness and ease with which your habits are adapted.

The reasons identified and highlighted by MSNBC for not losing weight were:-
1) That you are not fully committed.
2) That people expect miracles in terms of expecting to shed pounds as easily as shelling peas.
3) The diet or weight loss program is simply not sustainable and more appropriate to a really quick fix or patch up job.
4) That most people have an inability to forgive themselves for a slip up.

If you examine each of these carefully they all focus upon your attitude, your mental approach, to the task of losing weight. Can you identify with any one of these four key barriers to successful weight loss, or perhaps to all four of them? If any of these four statements do indeed resonate with you, you have in fact almost certainly found the vital key which will unlock the door to your successful weight loss.

Success in anything in life is dependent upon your attitude and willingness to go that extra mile. Simply by turning your attention to how you think about weight loss you make the task a whole lot easier for yourself. The task itself does not change, pounds themselves do not just vanish into thin air; but it is a lot easier to lose weight when your mind and your emotions are singing from the same hymn sheet.

Roseanna Leaton, specialist in weight loss hypnosis mp3s to help you program your mind for success.

P.S. Discover how easily you can focus your mind with hypnosis. Grab a free hypnosis mp3 from my website now.

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