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You Can't Go Head-to-Head With The Food

In case you don't know this, I am NOT a diet coach. I am not a substitute for Weight Watchers or anything like it, we don't speak the same language, we are from different planets. Seriously. I am not a main stream girl and neither are my clients, most of the time. There is nothing wrong with main-stream, but what I share via Intuitive Body is uh.. a little different from that.

Anyways- I have always known that if you feel like you can't stop eating, that trying to force you to stop eating or cajole you into stopping eating is really not going to work.

You can't go head-to-head with the eating. It's like trying to wrestle a tantrumming toddler to the ground. They just scream more, turn bluer in the face, and ultimately they wear you down and they win. And you feel like a failure, plus embarrassed and demoralized. Ugh.

You've tried that, it doesn't work. And doesn't work for years and year. Try something else.

I suggest going around to the spiritual doorway. Sacred Rituals are what I recommend. Things that help you clear longstanding beliefs around "not good enough" that haunt you and make you eat when you don't want to. Prayer, specific kinds of meditation and writing/journaling, anything that helps you move out and clear the heavy energy of shame, guilt, fear, resentment really help.

I am renaming and relaunching my soon to be revised book, which was originally titled "Freedom From Binges". The new title is "Recovering Beauty: Sacred Rituals To Clear Emotional Weight". I LOVE the new title. This is about the sensual, pleasure, doing things in a way that bypass all of your old shame-filled fears and beliefs that keep you using food as a drug.

If you're not getting relief by going head-to-head with the food, it's ok. There are better ways that don't stir up so much fear for you. Please don't make yourself feel worse if it's not working.

If you download my complimentary ebook "The Energy of Weight Loss: 7 Essential Secrets" at www.intuitivebody.com and read to the last page, you and I can spend a good 20 minutes or so consulting about what would help you specifically. I love these calls and I want to help women like us. Get the ebook- it's right over there, on your right. It's only 16 pages, but content rich with things that will shift your perspective TODAY! Go get it, it will help.

Love and Every Blessing,



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