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How I Lost Weight Permanently Using the Law of Attraction

I was unhappy and overweight in 2006. I am 5’3” and believe me when I say those extra 30 pounds were not easy to hide. I couldn’t blame it on my last pregnancy because my son was 8 yrs old and the previous year I had achieved my personal fitness best and weighed a fabulous 125 pounds. I was all out of excuses.

All my life I’d struggled with my weight. I don’t know how many times I’d look in the mirror only to see my unsightly body parts and limbs growing at a steady pace. How did I get like this-again? After my divorce, I worked out regularly 3-4 times a week. My appetite hadn’t really changed much, but my motivation did and I worked out like a fiend. My thighs, the back of my arms, my shoulders were all tone and fit. At 34 I felt amazing. When you are in shape, it’s almost like you wake up and walk around with this instant sense of accomplishment that you can do anything. When you come out of the shower you feel good, when you wear shorts, you feel good, when you go to the beach- you just feel good. But somehow I had let myself go-again. When my work-out schedule slowed down and eventually stopped, my appetite hadn’t and slowly during the course of a year, I regained all of my weight.

Early in 2006 I was determined not to dread the usual taking of family pictures during the holiday season. I knew I had to do something. After a lot of meditation and prayer, I decided to start fasting. In the book Daniel, there is a 21-day fast abstaining from any meat and desserts or pastry. I knew that conventional dieting was going to work only temporarily and somehow I’d be back to my old self. I had to peel back the layers of my soul to find out why I’d lose weight and then gain it back over a period of time.

As I began fasting, I realized it was a lot harder than I thought. I especially love to cook for my family. I look forward to making sure they have a wonderful meal every night complete with a tasty source of protein, vegetable and starch. Seasoning and cooking meat is really hard to do when you can’t eat it but I was determined to get to the bottom of my rollercoaster weight issues. During the fast, I did lose weight but something unexpected happened: I became super-sensitive of my thoughts. I realized that when I looked at myself in the mirror, subconsciously I would say, ”You look good right now, but you are going to get fat again” or I’d think, “You are usually fat but just skinny temporarily”. This destructive thinking had somehow become such a part of me that it never raised a flag prior to my fast. I immediately knew this was the root cause of my weight issues- my poor self-image. I didn’t think that I deserved to be fit and happy so I had settled for unhappiness with my weight.

I decided that I deserved the best that God had to offer me. I started changing the thoughts I formulated about myself. Whenever I looked in the mirror I’d say, “You are beautiful and skinny and will always be this way.” If I’d pick up a little bit of weight I’d look in the mirror and say, ”This is temporary and you will always get right back down to your perfect weight.” It worked, but I wasn’t an overnight success. I started fasting in January of 2006 and by Thanksgiving of that year I had lost 20 pounds. It took 11 months to reprogram my way of looking at my weight. It changed my appetite, my self-image and it became a platform for achieving everything I wanted out of life.

When we took family pictures later that Thanksgiving I looked back on those days of passing on the roasted pork, banana splits and chocolate milk shakes but I was truly thankful because I had found The Secret to Life without realizing it. I focused all of my energy on being fit and happy and that is what I attracted. I acted as if it was already mine and slowly my attitude, my eating habits, my exercise routine all began to correspond to the tune of my thoughts.

Losing weight is not about how or what you eat, not even when you eat it. It’s not about how much weight to lose or how much exercise to do. Your desire to lose weight has its roots in your self-esteem and regardless of what weight loss method you choose you will eventually have to peel back the layers for yourself. You are a heavenly creation, wonderful and majestic. You deserve the very best that God has to offer and that means a weight you can be happy with. Intend it and follow the same steps I did to achieve the perfect weight and start feeling good about yourself becase You Rock!

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