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The Human Longevity Diet For Increased Life Expectancy

In recent years it has been noted by countless scientists and medical researchers that the food you eat (your diet) is extremely influential to human longevity. Various clinical studies have shown that that mice beat aging and live longer, healthier lives when they eat a diet that consists of 30 percent fewer calories per day than an average diet. Similar life expectancy findings have also been found in studies on large primates and other small organisms. This diet of calorie restriction is what is known as a longevity diet or in the case of humans, a human longevity. It is what is thought to be a key to increasing human longevity and is already deliberately practiced by many people today.

How does the longevity diet work? Think of it this way, how many old, fat people do you know? I mean real old not the 65-80 crowd. Do you see any really old fat people in your daily life? Not likely. Of the super-senior population those that make it past 85 typically are thin and they typically follow, whether they know it or not, the longevity diet of lower calorie count. If you want to have a longer life you need to keep an eye on the calories you eat. You don’t have to stop eating and you don't have to eliminate your favorite foods and snacks, you just need to eat less of what you do eat.

The longevity diet is simply a decrease in normal daily calorie consumption from all sources. A normal consumption level is around 2000. If you were to follow the longevity diet you would consume about 30 percent less or about 1,400 calories per day. Increasing human longevity is not supposed to be a walk in the park and as such this might be extreme at first. Try lowering your calorie count by approximately 15 percent at first and then a few months down the line add you additional 15 percent reduction to your routine.

In addition to the basic human longevity diet other longevity factors include increasing your consumption of fruits and vegetables for their disease prevention attributes, eating more nuts, grains, and legumes for the protein and fiber, and consumption far more fish for its longevity educing omega-3 fatty acids. Side note: Clinical studies have long demonstrated that eating fish is conducive to extending human longevity. Eating more of it will likely aid in improving you life expectancy in the long run.

Why does increased consumption of fish promote longer life? The Omega-3 fatty acids in them have been shown to lower risks for many diseases which typically kill people off before they get extremely old. This is why fish oil has become a popular nutritional supplement in recent years. Omega-3 fatty acids are also another reason why drinking wine daily is now considered to be supportive to human longevity. People who drink wine often on average have more omega-3 fatty acids flowing through their blood.

The basic longevity diet in fact can easily be enhanced in my opinion by drinking wine daily. It has long been observed that wine drinkers usually have increased longevity rates over non-drinkers. Some of this could be because of omega-3s but a lot of it has to do with the Resveratrol found in red wine, which is a powerful antioxidant showing potential to be a major life extending element.

The quantity of Resveratrol in wine is very high. In fact its potency is unmatched in other dietary options. Considering how closely Resveratrol has been linked to human longevity and disease prevention it is surprising that more people don't drink it for this benefit alone. If you want to increase your longevity drinking a glass of wine with a piece of fish as part of a smaller dinner than you normally eat should help out immensely. The human longevity diet is just that simple.

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