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Are You A Fat Person Trying To Get Thin Or A Thin Person With Some Fat To Lose?

This seems like a silly questions but it is actually very telling because it gives you a glimpse into how you see yourself. How you describe yourself or perceive your body image is a part of your Weight Mindset and it plays a role in predicting your weight loss success or failure.

Your Weight Mindset is a collection of all the thoughts and beliefs you have about food, dieting and your weight and it is important to understand because you will always act in a way that supports it.

To help uncover your current Weight Mindset I want you to take a short quiz, in fact this quiz is so short it only has one question and your answer should be only one word.

Are you ready? Here it is:

Using only one word, describe your body.

STOP, don't over think your answer, take the first word that came to mind. Was it fit or healthy? Or did your answer have a more negative feel - maybe fat or lazy?

This one word description is your subconscious belief about your body. And since your beliefs strongly impact your habits and behaviors, it plays an important role in your weight loss success or failure.

If, for instance, you used the word FAT to describe your body, you can go on a diet and join a gym and you might even succeed at burning off some pounds but if you do nothing to change that belief you will put the weight back on - guaranteed.

I had lost weight many times in my life before finally losing it for good. Every time I would lose weight I would gain it back. I couldn't for the life of me understand why after putting so much effort into reaching my goal that I would put it back on. Logic told me it was crazy to return to my habits but it seemed at the time to be out of my control. Then I realized that my subconscious belief was, "I am fat". At that point I was able to change that belief to "I am fit" and I was finally able to keep the weight off. Now I find it much easier to maintain a comfortable and healthy weight because my beliefs naturally support my actions.

You can change your description of yourself and it is as easy as telling yourself a new story. Instead of telling yourself you are fat and have to lose weight, tell yourself you are a thin person with some extra weight to drop. You might not believe your new story at first but with repetition and with a good diet and regular exercise you will start to see evidence that supports this new belief and the results you want will follow.

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