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Anorexia Nervosa

Self starvation and excessive weight loss are characteristics of the very serious eating disorder called Anorexia Nervosa. This disease is life threatening, affecting mostly girls (90-95%). Research suggests that between 0.5-1% of the American female population are affected by this serious disease. Anorexia nervosa typically appears in early to mid-adolescence and has one of the highest death rates of any mental health condition. Symptoms of Anorexia Nervosa include:

1. A strict resistance to maintaining normal body weight
2. Loss of menstrual periods in girls and women post puberty
3. A fear of weight gain and perception of being "fat" even though under weight
4. A denial of the seriousness of loss of body weight.

Unfortunately, 5-20% of individuals suffering from this eating disorder will die and so it is extremely important that early detection is supplemented with intensive treatment as experts report that chances of full recovery are greatly increased with this treatment. With this in mind, here are some early warning signs that may help you to assess whether a loved one may be showing signs of this terrible disease.

1. Serious weight loss
2. A preoccupation with dieting, calories, weight etc?
3. Constant referral to feeling fat and overweight
4. Obsessive food regimen - rearranging food on a plate, eating foods in a particular order and excessive chewing
5. Making excuses to avoid eating meals
6. Excessive exercise regimen, feeling the need to "burn off" excess calories
7. Withdrawal from peer groups and friends
8. Generally, the person will ultimately focus only on weight loss, dieting type of information and nothing else.

There are very serious medical consequences for people with this disease because the body is being denied the nutrients it needs to function normally and in the process is forced to slow down all of its processes to conserve energy. Here are some of the problems that can occur:

1. Slow heart rate and low blood pressure which can lead ultimately to heart failure
2. Risk of developing osteoporosis
3. Loss of muscle and overall weakness
4. Kidney failure from dehydration
5. Dryness of the skin and hair, also hair loss is common
6. Development of a layer of hair all over the body called lanugo, in an effort to keep the body warm.

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