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Weight Loss Procedures through Zerona Treatment

     There are many weight loss therapies or weight loss procedures including the Yoga and gyms, strict diets and calorie burners. But there is nothing like the Zerona treatment Boca Raton. It is a procedure that does not use body invasive procedures unlike the cosmetic surgery to remove any kind of excess fat from your body. Now removing that stubborn fat from your body is easy with the Zerona Fort Lauderdale. There is zero surgery, zero pain and zero downtime. This magical way of losing all those pounds in just a few days is the best slimming solution that you could ask for. Zerona is a form of non surgical body sculpting technique that was designed to lose fat within a few hours without any kind of body invasive surgical procedures. The procedure involves a laser therapy using a low level laser that helps remove excess fat and cellulite from the body.

There has been medical research on Zerona Boca Raton treatment and it was found that with the help of this body sculpting procedure one can lose up to 3.5 inches of fat from their body or it could also go up to 9 inches of fat reduction. Zerona Lipolaser uses the Erchonia Lipolaser that helps open pores in the fat cell walls. The adipose tissue is liquefied with the help of the low level laser working which flows out of the cell membrane towards the interstitial space. The lymphatic system soaks up the fat ultimately. During the normal detoxification process, the excess weight is lost from the body. This results in shrinking of cells and reduction of fat from waist, hips and thighs. The fat cells will not be harmed in the process.

This Weight Loss Clinic Fort Lauderdale treatment procedure can take up to 40 minutes or so and three times a week. To achieve good results, the procedure should be continued for at least a week or two may be three weeks in total. The laser is applied for about 20 minutes to the fatty areas of the body, after which the patient turns around to the opposite side of the treatment. Consult a physician at a Medical Spa Fort Lauderdale Center if you want to continue with the treatment for a couple of weeks more. Most people in the 20th century for obvious reasons prefer Zerona Boca Raton treatment to liposuction. It is much safer without having to undergo any form of surgical treatments.

When it comes to liposuction surgical procedure, it uses a hollow stainless steel tube to suck up the fat from the adipose tissue just beneath the skin. The canola is used for this purpose that is powered by the vacuum. For liposuction, doctors use local anesthesia or IV sedation. In comparison to that, the Zerona Fort Lauderdale is a 100% non invasive body contouring technique that only uses low level lasers to remove excess fat from one抯 body. It is just an external procedure and does not leave back any kind of scars or pain in the applied area. There is no need for the use of gels, creams or any other numbing agent. This technique is ideal for not only reducing body fat, but also Skin Tightening Boca Raton procedures.

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