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Weight Loss Reviewed Honestly

     You can become very confused when trying to find a weight loss plan that will really work for you, because there are so many plans out there, so you try several different ones and fail again and again at achieving your weight loss goals.

Many nutritionists are reluctant to admit that dieting can really be difficult.

So most people don't get excited about dieting and perhaps becoming more stressed out by having to follow a confusing and very time-consuming program.

But I'm here to tell you that there IS a very simple and easy way to lose weight and also flatten your stomach and still have those enjoyable daily "treats". Just eat your meals at a certain time of day and your fat-burning hormones will really kick in, finally tackling that stubborn belly fat.

If you don't want to start with yet another weird diet, you may finally be willing to try these few suggestions.

#1: When you engage in intermittent fasting, also known as I.F., it really makes the fat-burning hormones work because you're eating your meals at a certain time of day and it's also great for removing that stubborn belly fat.

#2: To keep the hunger away, try drinking two high protein, fat-burning shakes during the day.

#3: Then, in early evening, eat a nutritionally balanced meal.

Skipping breakfast is the first thing you do and I know that most doctors don't recommend this, but you have your first food for the day at noon. This consists of a high protein, all natural shake, using a couple scoops of a low carb protein powder, a cup of " unsweetened" coconut or almond milk, add some yogurt, some frozen berries or fruit, flavoring and Stevia for sweetener. Then just add ice and blend.

Then three hours later, around 3 pm, have another high protein, all natural shake. These shakes will sustain you during the day to keep the hunger at bay. You can vary the ingredients to your liking and experiment with different flavors.

Then around 6 pm, have a healthy dinner with a lean protein like chicken, turkey, wild salmon, or grass-fed beef, a serving the size of the palm of your hand and the thickness of a deck of cards. Your carbs can be a half cup of quinoa, barley or beans, or half of a sweet potato. when it comes to vegetables, eat all you want of the fibrous variety like broccoli, cauliflower, asparagus, peas, or even have a salad with olive oil for the dressing and use seasonings to flavor.

You need to realize the importance of choosing the RIGHT foods and also the need to drink 8 glasses of water each day. The vital need for hydration is grossly underestimated in the process of breaking down fat. Why not have a cup of green tea or organic coffee in the morning instead of the usual cup of coffee.

Then one day a week, take a day off from this eating plan and have regular meals all day. You can make that day a Saturday or any day you wish.

Follow this diet for 30 days and see what amazing results you achieve, then take a week off and repeat. It's that simple!

If you want to fight flab fast, this really works like a charm.

In summary, you drink two fat-burning shakes a day and then eat a nutrient-rich dinner. It's simple, easy and fast. However, the KEY is to know when to stop eating after enjoying your evening meal and to not eat again until the next day when it's time for your first meal. By doing it this way, it really gets your fat-burning hormones working, helps shrink your stomach, and keeps insulin, that fat-storing hormone, in check.

If all you've got to lose is that stubborn belly fat, then why not give it a try to get a flat belly fast, the simple and easy way.

This is one of many ways to lose not just weight, which can be water and muscle, but to lose fat which is usually the main goal.

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