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Quantum Physics for Quantum Weight Loss

     You might be asking yourself how can the world of Quantum Physics lead to permanent weight loss? Quantum Physics has dramatically altered how we view the world. One of the basic premises of Quantum Physics is that our Minds are able to affect the Quantum Field. This Quantum Field can be described as a energy field of infinite possibility and potential. This field is where all new ideas, inventions, and inspiration come from. The great thinkers in history like Thomas Jefferson, Einstein, and Madame Curie all drew from this Quantum Field.

This amazing energy field does not need us to believe in it, it just is. To tap into this field we need to accept a few basic premises:

Our thoughts make up our reality
We become what we think about

Every thought creates an energetic and ultimately a physical reaction that leads us to feel and act in certain ways. Thoughts trigger a cascade of chemical reactions in the body that reinforce those thoughts with feelings. A repetitive cycle is created from thoughts to feelings and then from feelings to thoughts. For example, if we think joyfully we feel joyful. The opposite is also true, the moment we begin to feel insecure, we start to think more insecure thoughts. For the most part we are unaware of this cyclic pattern that keeps us stuck and unable to move into our future potential.

We can change our lives by changing our thinking. Luckily our bodies are ultimately controlled by our mind. The unfortunate truth is that a habit is when the body takes over and thinks for the mind. The body with it's powerful emotions can become a tough adversary in our quest towards permanent weight loss.

Lets get back to Quantum Physics, if you saw the movie "What the Bleep" you have a good idea of the power of the Quantum Field. The Observer (which is our conscious mind) affects the field by focusing on it. Whatever we put our focus on becomes real.

We need to develop focus and firm intention to affect the Quantum Field to our advantage. Without focus and intent then reality is not always what we choose. In order to not let life just happen to us we need to become powerful at directing the Quantum Field.

Developing this skill can change your life.To become this powerful creator is quite simple but it is not easy. In order to get out of our "stuckness" we need to become a scientist in our life. Unconscious negative thoughts and patterns have to be brought into the light of awareness. After these thoughts become conscious we can then start to replace them with feelings of gratitude and appreciation. By taking time each day to focus on feelings of gratitude for a desired outcome, we are able to get around the old habits of the body. The body's language are feelings, by feeding the body emotions of gratitude we can create lasting change. The body does not know that an imagined ideal is not real. The body physiologically changes in response to what the mind focuses on. This truth can be used to our advantage or disadvantage the choice is ours to make.

It is recommended that you practice this new skill everyday to program your subconscious mind to think in new ways. Ideally everytime you become aware of yourself in a negative emotional cycle break the cycle by feeling gratitude for your new way of being. This takes practice and focus on a consistent basis to create new emotional cycles. You can do it!

Copyright (c) 2013 Debbie StClaire

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