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Weight Loss and Fat Burners

     As fitness professional and a supplement store owner I'm often asked that famous question "how do I lose weight". So here is my thought on weight loss and diet pills. First off let's start out with diet pills, or fat burners. I would like to tell you that if you take these pills you will lose weight, but that would make me a liar. Now I'm not saying that weight loss supplements don't do anything, they do help the process of losing weight. But they are called supplements for a reason they help supplement a good nutrition plan. Nothing works better for fat loss than a proper diet rich in nutrition and healthy foods. The key to weight loss is to eat smaller meals more often, speeding up the body's metabolism.

The most common mistake people make is taking a weight loss supplement and dropping calories to crazy low numbers. This will destroy ones metabolism, and this is an unhealthy way to lose weight. I strongly recommend not to take this path. The biggest problem you run into in this day and age is dealing with people with destroyed metabolism from years of eating the wrong way.

Here are a few tips to help you restore your metabolism and start your way to a leaner healthier you!

Number one: Eat small meals more often, try to shoot for 5 to 6 meals a day. I know what you're thinking this guy is crazy if I eat that much I will get fat. Well I'm here to tell you that won't happen in fact the opposite will happen. Why is this you ask? It's simple the body has a natural defense system and here is what happens. If you eat once or twice a day the body will turn on its defense system and store fat for energy because it doesn't know when it will get more food. Now if you feed your body often every 3 hours it won't store fat for energy because it knows it will get more fuel in a few hours. Now the key to this is to eat healthy foods 5 to 6 times a day eating cupcakes and pie isn't going to do the trick.

Number two: Exercise now I'm not talking about spending hours in the gym, what we want is some activity to help burn unwanted fat. My favorite exercise for this is a fast pace walk for at least 45 minutes. If one was to do this 3 to 4 times a week eating a proper diet they will see results in no time at all.

Number three: Supplements Here is a list of a few nutritional supplements here that will help you through this weight loss transformation:
Pea Protein: A little pea protein can help fight cravings and keep you full longer
ZMA: This supplement can help fight those nasty sweet cravings many of us get at night.
Raspberry Ketones: This can help with the fat burning process
Fish Oil: Believe it or not fats can actually help you burn fat so it's always a good idea to include healthy fats in your diet.
RALA: This product helps to control blood sugar and insulin spikes during dieting. (Your body won't burn fat if insulin is high)

Well there you have it those are some very powerful weight loss tips that can help make your weight loss dreams come true in 2013.

Copyright (c) 2012 Brad Picardat SNC

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