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Body Sculpting Excess Weight Reduction and Thinking

      Physique molding excess weight loss and thinking to get your whole body into ultimate shape demands all you have plus some of what you do not have. So therefore you should acquire at least one more thing.

Consider it like this old saying "create the physique like a tank and make it challenging to strike!" that is very easily said but it's hardly ever done. It takes three important parts to build a body into any kind of shape that you wish, they are the mind, time, and soul. The body is not needed, because the body will do whatever the the mind tells it to do. So let's explore the three only needed parts to obtain "the rock"

The mind is very important to body shaping because you have to reach out and find out what is needed for you individually. Begin this common sense approach by looking in the mirror, while looking in the mirror "what do you see?" Do you see belly fat? fat being stored around your back? if so then you need some form of some cardio such as biking, running, or walking. A combination of all of the above is best, so that way the body gets a well round workout using different muscles each time. Plus you are less than likely to get bored with working out if you change up your daily routine.

On the other hand if you look into the mirror and see a belly that not looking bad, but when you flex (make a muscle) and nothing shows, then you need some weight training.

Weight training is not hard but it seems to be the one most people stay with the least. If done properly you will need about 8 - 12 weeks of weight training, most will see a huge difference if they stick to it this long. But that's the problem most will stick to it for only one to two weeks and give up until the following year.

Notice I said to check the mirror "Not the Scale" the scale will always lie to most people. Very often many believe that all they have to do is get back down to a particular weight that they were at ten or twenty years ago. This is wrong thinking because, back then you may have been at 130 pounds with firm arms and shoulders and no belly. But today if you go after 130 pounds, that 130 pounds may look like skinny weak arms and a belly with extra weight around the hips.

The next factor is "time" most people are quick to say "I gotta eat" and will make time to eat regardless of what's going on. To often those are the same people, that if the slightest thing goes off schedule the fist thing they think and say is "I can't workout today." A good body shape will for sure require some commitment from you. You must either get up about 30 minutes earlier and exercise or block out a time block of about one hour at least in you schedule and stick to it.

The best thing to do is to workout at home if you have children. There are plenty of home workouts online, that only require you to create a space in your bedroom, close the door and put a do not disturb sign on the door while the kids are doing their homework or napping.

Gym workouts are better only if you can find time to go to the gym. Going to and from the gym takes time, especially if you're doing this right after work. Fighting rush hour traffic while on your way to the gym can be a pain, this is the very reason most will quit the gym and sadly working out as well.

Save the gym workouts for those who do not have young children. The last thing you want to do is be at the gym worried about your children at home. Now if you have older teens that can fend for themselves for about two hours, hey go for the gym workout.

Lastly the soul, this is what holds the time and knowledge together. The soul is the inspiration to be all we can be and do all we can do. Getting in better shape has to be number one on your list if you're going to really do it.

The soul also holds our aspirations and our secret desires that we want to become in our lifetime. But it also holds our "secret failures" as well. Like the times when we tried to workout daily, but only lasted for a week or two and ended up in worst shape than before we started.

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