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Losing Weight After Pregnancy: How To Stay Motivated

     It is every woman's wish to lose all the excess pregnancy pounds soon after delivery of the baby. However losing excess weight can be difficult, especially with the additional responsibility of taking care of a baby. While other individuals are lucky to shed off some pounds right away, many women may find themselves still struggling to lose weight, even after some time after giving birth.

Some females who are resolved to lose weight may even enroll in health and fitness programs. Though doing so is a good step in tackling weight issues, it may be hard to stay motivated. Sometimes results may come slowly and gradually, and it can affect one's resolve to lose weight.

A lot of individuals drop out from their physical fitness programs for varied reasons. One way to stay motivated is to set realistic goals. As much as a lot of women would like to lose weight quickly, the reality remains that it can take some time. Try to come up with short term goals that you can achieve in a week. It is possible to either increase the length of time you spend performing your workout. Whatever goals you set, it has to be achievable in a week, in order for you to feel a sense of accomplishment. Setting unrealistic objectives can only frustrate you, and it can make you feel that you haven't achieved anything after all the hard work.

A great slow start is always best. Some females may wish to lose weight so abruptly that they start their program with a bang. Although having that firm resolve is good, the motivation may wane if you can't keep up with the pace that you started with. Do not try to exercise to the point of overexertion because it may only lead to discomfort or injury.

Some individuals may find it difficult to stay motivated if they are so bored with their exercise program. Other people may even rationalize excuses just to skip an exercise schedule. Try to modify the exercise regimen so that you will not be bored in performing it. If the workout in the gym bores you, try to modify your program. Try using other exercise machines, or you can sign up for aerobics and other similar classes. You can additionally do a lot of physical activity even when you are not in the gym. Try to modify your typical day-to-day activities in such a way that it should involve some sorts of exercise. It is possible to take your baby for stroller walks, take stairs instead of elevators, or you can walk to a nearby destination.

It may additionally help if you keep an exercise record. This should include the goals, the physical activity that you did for the week, and the weight loss that you have achieved so far. Keeping track of the progress could help you work towards reaching the goals. Seek support from family members or friends. Sometimes it helps if you know another woman performing the same program. You can both improve each other's morale, once you are not feeling motivated to stick to the program.

Trying to lose weight can be a long process, and women should never be too difficult on themselves. If you have effectively managed to lose some pounds, go ahead and reward yourself. You can buy new walking shoes, or you can reward yourself with a new top. Setting objectives and rewarding yourself after, can help keep you motivated. Weight gain during pregnancy is normal, and although it may be difficult to lose the pregnancy weight, it is but a little price to pay for a lifetime of joy that motherhood brings.

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