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How To Get Skinny Fast - My Favorite Asian Tricks

     Ok, so you've got to learn how to get skinny fast because there's a special event coming up and you need to drop inches NOW. I understand and there IS hope, I promise, and it comes in the form of some fantastic methods Asian women have used for generations to get rid of extra pounds quickly, without doing insane workouts or starving themselves until the pass out.

Today you're going to learn how to get skinny fast using a few Asian solutions that can easily be learned and added to your everyday routine.

How To Get Skinny Fast - Natural Solutions

Before we start I want to go over a single warning: Even though you may be desperate to get skinny fast, you must never resort to trying to find weight-loss out of a bottle of chemicals or pills.

At the beginning of my weight-loss classes I always tell my clients that Asians believe their bodies are our true source of happiness and joy, and to pump harmful pharmaceuticals through them in order to try and drop a size or two is both disrespectful to ourselves as well as potentially dangerous.

Instead you want to focus on natural ways to answer the question of how to get skinny fast, and there are several techniques available to you to use:

1. A natural laxative can do wonders - Instead of store-bought laxatives that contain powerful drugs to induce movement through your system, use an organic recipe that includes nature's best ingredients. The mix my Chinese mother taught my sisters and I when we were girls contains the following:

- 8 x ounces of prune juice (no added sugar, make sure you buy 100% natural juice)
- 1 x tablespoon of flaxseed oil (organic)
- 1 x tablespoon of brewer's yeast (high in b-complex vitamins and fiber)
- 1 x ounce of lemon juice (no added sugar, use 100% natural juice)

Drink this mix in the evenings, in place of dinner. You'll find it actually fills you up and fights off hunger amazingly well, and will allow you to dip your total calories per day down to 1,100 or so, which is perfect for answering the challenge of how to get skinny fast.

2. SOME weight lifting can supercharge your metabolism - We're not trying to get big and look like Sylvester Stallone here, don't worry. Instead, Asian women do well by looking for opportunities throughout the day to engage their major arm, leg, and back muscles to power up their calorie burning potential for hours. It's one of the key tricks they use for how to get skinny fast and it doesn't require much effort.

Everything around the house can be a simple weight for you, from the half-gallon of milk in the fridge to the full laundry basket. You don't need it to be heavy, just a few pounds. Whenever possible as you're doing your daily routine, lift something within range. If you're pouring a cup of coffee, lift the pitcher a few times. If you're walking up stairs, take 2 at a time, slowly, to engage your legs.

How to get skinny fast is relatively easy when you're using these "weight-lifting" moves, and over the course of a full day they can DOUBLE the amount of fat you burn off your body over the course of a day, and the after-effect keep your system elevated and consuming calories even long past bedtime!

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