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Ready To Give Up On Your Weight Loss Goals?

     Reaching a point where it appears as though you just can't lose any weight at all no matter what you try? Feeling frustrated and feel like tossing in the towel? Don't! There may be a simple explanation why the weight will not come off and once you resolve it you'll start to lose weight.

Are you eating too much?

Sometimes you don't realize just how many calories a food or drink has, so that you consume WAY MORE calories than you would like to. Compose a list of what ever you consume during the course of the day in order to keep track and calculate the number of calories it adds up to. A fast and simple method to calculate the number of calories you should be eating is to multiply your present weight by ten. That will provide you with a ballpark figure of the amount of calories you'll want to consume to maintain your present bodyweight. Needless to say this is only a general figure and it depends on how physically active you are and just how fast or slow your metabolism is. To lose weight you can reduce the number of calories you eat by five hundred daily. In other words if you need to eat 2000 calories to maintain your body weight you need to get rid of five hundred of those calories in order to lose weight.

You Aren't Eating Enough

Surprisingly by not consuming enough food you can sabotage your weight loss plans. Whenever you significantly cut back your calories you initially start to lose weight, however your system compensates for the reduction in calories by slowing its metabolism thus as time goes on it gets more and more difficult to lose weight. Once again, work out how many calories you are eating daily and if necessary you may have to bump it up a bit more. However, don't try and bump it up by consuming more junk food calories. Instead, opt for higher-calorie healthy foods, like drizzling some olive oil on your salad, or eating an ounce or two of trail mix for a snack. And eat smaller meals more frequently, instead of 3 large meals throughout the day. It'll keep your body's fat burning systems operating more smoothly and efficiently.

You don't get enough physical activity

Exercising and dieting combine to make a very effective combination for losing weight, it allows you to avoid needing to reduce your consumption of calories to drastically while helping you to burn more fat. If you're able to reduce your calorie intake by about five hundred calories a day, And burn five hundred calories a day exercising, you're on track to easily lose as much as two pounds per week.

Your Diet is Poor Quality

What kinds of foods are you currently eating every day? Does your diet consist of whole grain wheats, fresh fruit and veggies and complex carbs? Or do you eat packaged preprocessed foods which can be high in sugar, sodium and the wrong kinds of fats? Naturally, your weight loss will be much easier if you feed your system high quality foods. Your body needs the right vitamins and nutrients to work smoothly and burn off fat more effectively so be sure to eat well-balanced nutritious foods to enhance your weight loss.

Medical Issues

If you're still not able to lose weight by trying some of the strategies mentioned previously there could be some sort of medical reason that's making weight reduction difficult. Two that come to mind are an under-active thyroid gland, or some medication which you might be taking that's making weight loss difficult. Both of these situations could be interfering with your ability to lose weight in which case you will need to talk with your physician to find out what he or she recommends.

Regardless of what else you do, don't give up hope. Just because the weight doesn't come off easily it doesn't mean that you won't be able to reach your weight loss goals, you just need a little more determination and perseverance than the average person.

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