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The Role Of Carbohydrates In Weight Loss And Exercise

     What are Carbohydrates and why do we need them?

Low-carb diet programs are all the rage these days. Low-carb and even no-carb diets seem like a simple solution to weight loss. But, do carbohydrates make you fat?? No, carbohydrates do not make you fat! Consuming more total calories than you burn makes you fat!

While it is true that if you were to cut out carbs completely from your diet, thereby reducing your total daily calories, you would temporarily lose some weight. But this will do nothing but slow your metabloism down and eventually the weight will come back. We are looking for a long term, permanent solution here right?

Let's take a closer look.

What are Carbohydrates role in your nutrition?

Carbohydrates play a very important part in your overall health and fitness goals. The primary task of carbohydrates is to provide the energy needed for all bodily functions and muscular exertion, especially during your workouts! They also aid in the digestion and utilization of proteins and fats.

Carbohydrates are your body's preferred energy source, meaning your body would rather use carbs for fuel than anything else. If there are not enough carbs available when your body needs them, it will find an alternate fuel source.

Wouldn't it be nice if our bodies turned to our fat supply for this alternate fuel source? While it is true that some fat will be burned as fuel in this situation, the primary source of fuel will be protein, or in the worst case scenario, your own muscle!

We certainly don't want that to happen! We're trying to build lean muscle here, not burn it!

The more lean muscle you have on your body, the faster your metabolism runs. Losing muscle will slow your metabolism down, and we need that to run in high gear!

What are carbohydrates?

For all intents and purposes, carbs come in 2 forms. Simple (sugars), and complex (starches). (Fiber is a subject of another article) The rate at which an ingested carb raises blood sugar, and its accompanying effect on insulin release, is referred to as the glycemic index, or GI. While too much emphasis is placed on the GI in some diets, it is important to note that lower GI foods tend to provide a good source of complex carbs.

Simple carbs come from sources like table sugar, candy, cakes, soda, ice cream, etc. They raise your blood sugar quickly and will provide a short burst of energy, followed by a sharp decline in enegy, also know as the crash! Ultimately, your hunger returns. Keep these to an absolute minimum!

The majority of your carbohydrates should come from complex sources such as brown rice, oatmeal, yams, beans and potatoes. They will provide energy for longer periods of time, will contribute to a sense of fullness, and are a good source of fiber.

Carbs yield about 4 calories per gram and should make up about 50-70% of the total daily calories in a moderately active adult.

What are carbohydrates' role before exercise?

I always recommend that my clients consume a whole food meal, including a complex carbohydrate source, 1-2 hours before exercising. This will give the food ample time to digest and be ready as that all important fuel source. Complex carbs are the power behind your workouts!

What are carbohydrates role after exercise?

Trainer's Tip: Consume a meal replacement shake or bar within 1/2 hour after exercise to promote recovery! Carbohydrates replenish your depleted muscle glycogen stores after a tough workout.

As you can see, carbohydrates are not the enemy in our fat loss goals. Used in moderation they play a vital role in overall health and fitness.

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