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Low Carbs Questions and Answers

     Q. I am trying to lose weight; can a low-carb diet be right for me?

A. When you cut back on carbohydrate containing foods you are also reducing overall calories which is why it is possible to lose weight on a low-carb diet. A low-carb diet may be successful in the short-term but it can be hard to keep up with since the majority of the foods we eat are carbs. A better option for you may be to focus on making life-long changes; concentrate on the kinds of food you eat as well as proper portion size. A healthy diet includes a variety of whole grains, vegetables, fruits, lean proteins and beans, as well as low-fat dairy. A balance of these foods along with physical activity can help you achieve weight loss.

Q. Why do people lose weight on the low-carb diets?

A. People lose weight on low-carb diets because not only are they cutting carbs, more importantly they are eating less calories. Foods high in carbs such as cookies, soda, candy, chips, and doughnuts are also high in calories. Eliminating these foods reduces the overall calories, which is the real reason for weight loss. The healthiest way to manage weight in the long-run is to eat a balanced diet with the right amount of calories, limit foods high in added sugar and saturated fat, and to be physically active.

Q. I am thinking about trying a low-carb diet, are there any risks I should be worried about?

A. Carbohydrates play a major role in a healthy diet. Carbs provide many vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients like fiber which are necessary for good health. Carbohydrates also provide energy for the brain, central nervous system, and muscles. Reducing your carbohydrate intake too low can put you at risk of not getting enough nutrients. Limiting foods that are high in added sugar and emphasizing nutrient-dense carbs like whole grains, fruits, vegetables, beans, and low-fat dairy can be a good way to avoid health risks.

Q. I want to lose weight, is it better to go with a low-carb diet or a low-fat diet?

A. The best diet is one that helps you make lifelong changes. Although it is possible to lose weight on a low-carb diet, it can be hard to stay on it long-term because carbohydrates are in most of the foods we eat. A healthy diet that limits fat is consistent with the 2005 Dietary Guidelines for Americans which recommends that 20-35% of your total calories come from fat, while focusing on mono and polyunsaturated and limiting saturated fat. Since a low-fat diet does not eliminate an entire category of food, sticking with it may be easier. Some studies show that although people on low-carb diets initially lose weight faster than people on low-fat diets, weight loss in both groups is about the same after a year. More studies are being done on these diets to determine the effects over longer periods of time. Enjoying foods in moderation and balancing calories with exercise seems to be the key to weight loss.

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