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Do You Wish You Had A Magic Wand For Weight Loss?

     If you have become overweight sometimes it is easier to pretend you are perfectly happy about it and that is doesn't bother you. But if someone offered you the chance to become slim with the wave of a magic want you would probably take it wouldn't you?

So, don't even think about making excuses rather than to make the changes in your life that will allow you to lose weight and get your health back. It need not be that daunting as there is a way to do it that would only require 2-3 sessions each week and is a small price to pay for gaining a lean, strong, slim healthy body. You will need to boost your fat burning machinery to do this.

You will have heard about your metabolism which is your body's engine and its importance of keeping your body weight under control. If it has become sluggish it will cause you to gain weight because your body is unable to burn off more energy than you are eating. Increasing your metabolism means your body is burning fuel (calories) at a higher rate and this means every hour of the day and night no matter what you are doing you will be burning off that unwanted body fat.

Increasing the speed of our metabolism is one of the easiest and most effective ways to lose weight naturally Your muscle tissue is the engine for your metabolism and this is where fat is burned for energy so any improvement in the condition of your muscle tissue will mean you will burn more calories.

The main way of increasing your metabolism is with strength training exercise to rebuild lost muscle tissue and maintain what you still have left. We each lose around 5-6 pounds of muscle per decade and with less muscle your body burns fewer calories so you require less food. But most people continue to eat the same amount as they always have so they gain weight. You just have to reverse this situation but you will need the right type of exercise to do this.

Forget long slow recreational activity like walking, jogging or cycling. These do not work your muscles enough to cause an increase in your metabolic rate for the long haul so are quite ineffective for serious fat loss. Do your strength training first and foremost and if you have extra time left over then you can do your 'fun' activities.

If you seek the help of a fitness professional you will get results so much quicker than just doing a 'bit of this' and a 'bit of that'. Not only should your program be changed regularly you should also be taught how to do your exercises at the right level of intensity (degree of effort). If you are not doing this results will be slow if they are obtained at all.

Just adding a strength training program into your week will give you a great start on the journey back to a healthier weight. If you want to do a bit more so your results happen faster start adding at least 20 grams of protein to each of your meals and start eating 4-6 times each day.

As you make these adjustments you will find that you will become slimmer and have more energy and like a wheel turning it will go faster and faster. Your strength training program is really your magic wand and you are the one waving it so get going and experience its power to fight fat.

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