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The Hidden Dangers of Belly Fat!

     Belly fat is without a doubt the number one trouble spot for men and women alike. More women moan about having a wobbly tummy and more men try to get a perfect six pack; concentrating efforts on this region more than any other body part.

What most people do not realize is that belly fat is made up of two different kinds of body fat:

Subcutaneous fat: fatty or adipose tissue lying directly underneath the skin.

Visceral fat: found behind the abdominal wall and around the internal organs.

Fat surrounding the internal organs is there to protect these organs however; having too much visceral fat is considered to be far more dangerous than having too much subcutaneous fat and is more difficult to get rid of. This is because it is more deeply embedded in the body tissues. A person may be within a healthy weight range, but still have too much visceral fat around their organs.

Visceral fat is directly linked with diseases such as diabetes, heart disease and high blood pressure. It preferentially deposits in fat cells in the abdomen because this is where most of the internal organs are found. The accumulation of visceral fat is a direct consequence of over eating and under exercising.

While most of us think fat people are at a higher risk for weight associated disease, thin people can be at as great a risk due to high levels of visceral fat (which is not noticeable on the outside). Accumulation of this fat is most likely to do with diet, as studies have shown that those who eat 30% or more of their daily diet as fat usually have high levels of visceral fat. So, thin people with a bad diet can be more at risk of heart attacks and strokes than heavier people who follow a healthier diet.

Most people, however, are far more concerned with reducing the subcutaneous fat or flab and many are unaware of the amount of visceral fat they have. It can only be measured accurately by an imaging machine that can see how much of the abdomen is made up of visceral fat.

Trying to shift stubborn belly fat is therefore very important for health reasons, reducing both visceral and subcutaneous fat. In order to effectively lose both types of fat stored in our bodies rethinking our diet and exercise is a step in the right direction. Eating a well balanced diet full of protein, complex carbohydrates, fruits and vegetables will reduce the levels of fat in and around the abdomen.

Adding in a little bit of exercise will speed this process up dramatically. Nothing extreme, but even adding in a little walking, swimming or cycling into your regular daily/weekly routine will go a long way to reducing the stubborn belly fat.

By eating a healthy well balanced diet and adding in some regular exercise you will find you are able to reduce the flabby tummy but more importantly you will also be doing your part to reduce the hidden fat that is far more dangerous.

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