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World Obesity Statistics

     Obesity is arguably the most common medical problem in the world today, particularly the advanced countries. There is a very strong medical consensus that overweight is bad for our health. In fact, the more overweight we are, the more serious its effects on health are likely to be.

Obesity statistics indicate that the current generation and the one following it are highly vulnerable to weight gain. There are many reasons for this. High calorie food combined with low levels of activity lead to people putting on lots of extra weight. However, many people do not act to lose weight until it is too late. It is very difficult for an obese person to lose weight, simply because they may be suffering from obesity related diseases or may find it extremely difficult to control their eating habits.

Additionally, statistics released by top health officials from the Federal Health Department and other Non-Government Organizations (NGOs) have revealed that approximately 66 million Americans are clinically obese. In other words, these groups of obese people are now gaining over 30% of body fats compare to their normal, healthy counterparts whose body fat level containing less than 25%, thus indicating that obesity is fast becoming prevalent across the United States and will most likely to continue its trend in the future.

When you look at the age-wise breakup, obesity statistics have an interesting tale to tell. 29% of men and 28% of women are obese in the age group 15-25. This number triples in the older age group of 45-60. This means that the threat of obesity increases with age. Another survey showed that people who were obese in their twenties were almost always obese throughout their lives.

There are many overweight and obese people all around. Here is some overweight statistics:

?64 percent of people are overweight in the US

?48 percent of people in Europe are overweight

?27 percent of Americans are classified as obese

?Obesity is responsible for 325,000 deaths every year

?Obesity cost an estimated $ 75 billion in 2003 because of its long and expensive treatment

?750 million worldwide are overweight, out of which 300 million are obese

?Weight loss market forecast to hit $61 billion by 2008

Here are some good guidelines to keep in mind:

1.#Stay optimistic and never lose hope. This is the most important tip I can throw at you. People have succeeded and continue to succeed at coming down from incredible weights. Also, remember to have patience, nothing in this world is done over-night.

2.#A meal plan. One that is custom generated for your needs is the best idea. Nutrition has come a long way. The more specialized for your needs the meal plan will be the better it will help you out. The top meal generator on the market right now prides itself on helping you lose 50pounds within a year.

3.#Don't believe in starvation. It probably won't help in trying to lose obesity. If your body thinks it is going through a famine that it will start pulling more calories from everything it gets and lower the metabolism level to reduce burning of calories. That will get you nowhere.

4.#Exercise. A meal plan will favor burnings but you need to help your body. Any exercise you do will greatly improve your results, even if it's just more walking each day.

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