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Get Rid Of Unwanted

     If you want to lose weight you need to burn more calories and/or consume less food. This basic arithmetic is helped by engaging in some forms of physical activities that burn more calories and by improving your diet by eating healthier foods that contain fewer calories.

Something that helped many dieter was to keep a notebook on their daily caloric food counts as well as keeping a record of their progress to a desired weight. As with any goal you need to keep it realistic. You're not trying to set a new Guinness Book of Records for weight loss in a given period of time.

Before every meal you should drink a tall glass of water. Perhaps even sprucing it up with a slice of lemon or lime will pep it up. The underlying thought is that with a fuller feeling stomach you'll want to eat less. Besides, it flushes out toxins from your body and replenishes your fluid level.

Get your normal 7 or 8 hours rest. Studies show that people tend to replace reduced sleep with added calories. One study showed sleep deprived people releasing more hormones that tell the brain that more food is need triggering extra cravings for food. They also found that those who got less sleep craved more starchy foods and craved sweets.

Another important consideration is tricking the brain with vegetables, fruits and grains that are rich in fiber and of course, drinking plenty of water. It signals your brain that your filling up faster than had you not eaten these type of foods.

When you go out to eat be sure to eat salads instead of the soups. Try ordering a half of a dinner. Avoid the bread, bread sticks or snacks that are offered. Limit your alcohol intake to one or two drinks.

You need to avoid the bad carbohydrates and the detrimental fats. Dr. Arthur Agatston wrote The South Beach Diet. It that book he advises weight watchers to avoid white pasta, white bread, white rice, white sugar white potatoes ... any foodstuff that looks white, look away.

Consider the number of times you want to work out and schedule it into activities. Start slowly perhaps with only 20 minutes exercise and build up your regimen to 1hour. The more you exercise, the more calories you will burn. The more calories you burn, the faster you lose weight.

Rethink your activities at work. Park further away and take a longer walk to your car, use the stairs instead of the elevator and stay active during the day. At lunch go for a walk. All this extra activity will speed up your metabolism.

Our favorite diet is the Wu-Yi Weight Loss Program. It's simple and you will start to see inches and weight disappear. 1. Drink Wu-Yi Tea before eating breakfast, breakfast is the largest meal you want to eat during the day, because your body will burn calories thru out the day. So make sure you eat a good healthy breakfast to jump start your day. 2. Drink a second cup of Wu-Yi Tea at least an 30 minutes before having dinner, make sure you don't eat anything after 8 PM.

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