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My Grandmother Simple Diet Plan That Works

     While there are many people overweight or obese people in this world who are looking for a diet plan that works, my grandmother manage to stay slim by following some guidelines in her diet.

This simple weight loss dieting plan aims to achieve three things. It is to reduce the intake of calories, increase the good intake of essential nutrients including protein, vitamins and minerals. Lastly it avoids or reduces the intake of common foods that are often cited with weight gain and certain health problems.

For meat and fish, always choose lean meat and trim off excess fat, remove the skin, and cook by grilling or baking. Ideally have no fried foods. Use stir fry with minimum amount of oil. Use low fat polyunsaturated spread. 2 teaspoons allowed per day. Use 1 teaspoon of oil per day.

Avoid sugar and sweet foods. Bread should be limited to two pieces of bread, white or whole meal. Do not eat bran or foods or breakfast cereals containing it. One portion of white pasta is allowed per day.

Avoid salt and salty food especially if fluid retention is a problem for you, have plenty of fresh fruits. If tinned then drain off the syrup. Eat three pieces of fresh fruit per day. A banana counts as two pieces.

Eat plenty of fresh vegetables daily. Cook in the minimum of water or steam without salt if possible. Allow a total of four cups of coffee or tea per day. No sugar is allowed. Allow four eggs per week. Boiled, poached or scrambled but avoid frying.

Eat regularly, have three meals per day. Always have breakfast. Missing it may cause you to eat more later during the day. Plan your meals for the day or week. Make sure that you can have the right foods in the house or you will end up eating the wrong ones.

If you are hungry between meals, have a snack like a nutritious low calorie one. Convenience foods are high in fat, sugar and calories. Make sure that you have a cooked main meal every day and that it contains plenty of vegetables.

Enjoy your food and eat your main meal with family or friends where possible. Do not eat it while watching the television. Go shopping twice a week to buy fresh fruit and vegetables and never go shopping when you are hungry. Take a list and stick to it.

If necessary, have the occasional cheat. A few small pieces of chocolate after a good meal is not the end of the world or the diet.

Finally, make sure that you do have a very good reason for losing weight. It may be to look better, to feel more comfortable or for a medical reason. In case you don't know, being seriously overweight is strongly linked to heart disease, high blood pressure, strokes, diabetes and even some types of cancer.

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