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3 Hormones That Can Influence Weight Loss


A very common factor that has taken too much of our attention is weight loss. Most of us are doing that everything and giving that every extra effort to lose our weight, whether to look fit and fine or to just lead a healthy life. But weight loss is a factor that we do not wish to take our eyes off. Considering the issues of weight loss we have applied certain methods, most known methods being exercising regularly and maintaining a healthy diet. Both these have definitely been proved beneficial to us, as both these methods go hand in hand. A healthy diet without any amount of physical exercise, that may be as simple as walking, does not fetch the desired result and substantial exercise without giving any attention to dieting is also not of much help.

Now medical practitioners have recently come up with another proven theory which says, besides the above mentioned two factors, there is also another important factor that we should give stress to. Hormones – yes, out hormones play a very important role in the process of losing weight. Scientific study says three important hormones play a vital role in our process of weight loss. These hormones are:

1. Ghrelin

This is one type of hormone which creates the sense of hunger in us. This hormone enables us to feel it when we are hungry. It is produced in our stomach itself. Doctors say that the longer you remain empty stomach the more will be the levels of your ghrelin. Hence you can already presume that in the morning the level of ghrelin is most and hence the concept of having a heavy, nutritional, filled with protein breakfast is prescribed in the morning.

2. Leptin

Leptin is the next level hormone which is more commonly known as appetite suppressor. That means it will indicate you when you are overeating. We can say the usefulness of Ghrelin and Leptin is very closely linked, the first one informing you about your hunger and the later prompting you when you are filled and hence should stop.

3. Cortisol

This hormone has a specific connection with stress. In moments of stress much cortisol is released which makes your body adhere to a particular type of fat called visceral, which creates the extra layer around the waist. In this situation it also diverts the mind to sugary and salty junk foods as that induces a signal in your brain telling you that these foods are helping you relax and making you feel pleasure of some sort. But actually you are in-taking more fats in your body.

So next time when you are on a mood to go about losing weight, make sure you give importance to these three hormones and plan your moves accordingly.

Photo: earl53

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