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Belly fat is genetic but genes do not control weight gain


Researchers have found genes that determine if fat is accumulated on the belly or elsewhere. However, they have also said that carrying a gene that makes you accumulate belly fat does not mean that you cannot prevent yourself from becoming overweight in the first place.

Scientists from the Institute of Metabolic Science in Cambridge, UK, have uncovered a wide range of genes that are connected with obesity. However, they have also emphasized that none of the genes force people to become obese, they just mean that a person may have a greater tendency to eat too much.

Obesity is still a growing problem, even with so many initiatives set up to try to control the problem. Many people blame their genetics on their weight problems, usually with the simple argument that their parents were overweight, so therefore it must be genetic.

It now seems that there may be some truth in this idea. Researchers have identified 18 different genes that are linked directly to obesity, and 14 other genes that contribute to obesity. Also, 13 genes have been identified that determine if fat is accumulated on the belly or thighs. So belly fat is actually genetic, to a certain extent. However, really this does not alter our advice on how to lose belly fat – genetic or not, you have to follow the same process to lose it!

Genetics does not cause obesity

The research also pointed out that many people carry these genes and manage to remain at a healthy weight.

“This suggests that these genes may act through increased food intake — maybe appetite and reward. But you still need the environment on top of that to really trigger that susceptibility.”

Our genetics have not changed over the last 30 years, but obesity levels have risen dramatically. This is the real proof that obesity is not directly related to genes, but is a socio-environmental condition.


A combination of blaming genetics and not understanding what contributes to a healthy diet are the real causes of obesity. Many obese people are convinced that their diet is not the problem, even though in reality that are eating more than twice as much food every day than they actually need.

The research did identify some genes that determine where on the body fat is stored. This helps to prove that spot reduction of fat through exercise is not possible.

This research will help scientists understand the role of genetics in influencing appetite and activity, however, it will not actually change the way people think about food and exercise. For there to be real change there needs to be more education on food, healthy eating, exercise and lifestyle.

If you have belly fat, see our guide, it explains how to lose it in a few simple steps.


Ruth Loos, Ph.D., group leader, Genetic Aetiology of Obesity Program, MRC Epidemiology Unit, Institute of Metabolic Science, Cambridge, U.K.; David L. Katz, M.D., M.P.H., director, Prevention Research Center, Yale University Medical School, New Haven, Conn.; Oct. 10, 2010, Nature Genetics, online.

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