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Are Longer Workouts Better Than Shorter Ones When It Comes To Fat Loss?

When it comes to losing fat, people often have a few questions and how long your workout needs to be is often among them. There is this idea floating around that you have to log at least an hour a day at the gym for your workout  to even really matter. The more you do and the longer you work, the better it has to be, right? Well, not necessarily.

Think about it, most of us don’t have the time to be spending a few hours a day at the gym. And as soon as life gets busy, the first thing you are going to give up is that gym time. You may be wanting to know if short workouts really count!

First, remember that some activity is better than no activity. Most people don’t give themselves enough credit! Making time to work out at all is already more than what many people are doing!

Are Longer Workouts Better Than Shorter Ones When It Comes To Fat Loss? Click To Tweet

If you find yourself taking a pass on the gym completely when you don’t have at least a full hour to give it, we’re here to tell you that longer isn’t necessarily better. The type of workout you do is what will have a big impact on your body’s fat loss capabilities. If you were to work out for an hour and only focus on one muscle group, it wouldn’t be as effective as working out for 30 minutes and focusing on two or three muscle groups. This is where high intensity interval training (HIIT) comes into play. In anywhere from 10-20 minutes, you can get an intense workout that will continue to burn calories long after you are done! By upping the intensity and incorporating resistance training and body weight exercises, you’ll be using several large muscle groups at any given time and getting the most bang for your buck. Are you ready to give this type of workout a try? At BodyRock, we’ve made it possible for you to bust out a short workout in any place, at any time. That’s right, with Sweatflix℠: BodyRock on Demand, you can access over 66 hours of BodyRock workout content with new things being added every week! You will get exclusive workouts and a whole host of other fun things! Trust us, with Sweatflix℠, you’ll never be bored!

None of this is to say that you should be giving up your longer workouts. High intensity workouts are just that, intense. They take a serious amount of effort and energy. When you have time to give to your workout, like on the weekends for example, do your longer, lower intensity work. Let your mind take a rest while you go for a run. Save those short intense workouts for when you are pressed for time and have the energy to push yourself 100%.

Remember, no two people are the same. What works for one, may not work for you. Have fun with this idea, play around and see what makes your body feel and look its best. It may take some time for you to sort it all out but once you find what works, you’ll be grateful for the effort.

What exercises work best for you? Are you all HIIT, all the time or do you prefer a combination of workout types?

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