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Is an All-Protein Diet Really Good for You?

There are so many diets out there, and so many philosophies behind each one. There’s low carb, low fat and then there’s the protein-packed option. But is it really all it’s cracked up to be?

One of the biggest protein-packed diets making waves right now is the all-protein option. This means, your meals consist of only protein, so you give up on any and all other options. Some say this is the ideal diet for optimum weight loss and muscle gain, but at what cost?

The problem with only eating protein is pretty simple: you give up on all the other good things out there that your body needs to live at its best.

If someone is concerned about losing weight and gaining muscle, then they are well-aware of their body and the importance of health. So why would someone want to give up key ingredients that give their body the nutritional value it needs? They wouldn’t, but diets that provide rapid weight loss are appealing, to say the least.

Here are some major setbacks of eating a diet rich in protein, and nothing else:

  1. Eating only protein will ensure you drop weight quickly, but it also leaves you little wiggle room to steer off course, which means that you’ll be likely to gain weight back in no time.
  2. You’ll notice the number on the scale goes down, but this is because you’re experiencing water loss.
  3. You’re not necessarily experiencing fat loss with this type of diet.
  4. Eating mostly protein, as in about 90 percent of the time, will cause your body to use fat for energy, making you lose weight but causing you to feel extremely lethargic.
  5. Carbs ensure you maintain lean muscle mass. Eating only protein will cause a setback to the health of your muscles. This, in turn, will decrease your metabolism and therefore increase the amount of fat stored in the body.

It’s important to understand that 40 percent of your daily calorie intake should come from protein, 40 percent from carbs and 20 from fats. For a handy guide to making this balance a reality, check out the BodyRock Meal Plan! This plan is a 30 day menu planner, complete with a detailed nutrition guide and an added recipe book with over 70 offerings! We’ve taken the guess work out of clean eating! All you have to do is grab your weekly grocery list (that we provide!) and follow along!

What are your thoughts on a diet rich in mostly protein?

Source: Z Living


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