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How Red Wine Can Help You Lose Weight?

We already know that a glass of red wine after dinner is good for your heart health, but according to recent, wine can aide in weight loss as well.

What does science say?

A 14-year-old study conducted by the Harvard University suggests that having a glass of wine before bed can be helpful in reducing weight. The study included 20,000 women and researchers discovered that participants who had wine as a bedtime snack had reduced the risk of obesity by 70 per cent compared to women who didn’t drink wine.

This wasn’t the only study that associated wine with weight loss. Washington State University also conducted a study on the possible link between wine consumption and reducing weight. The findings showed that a glass of red wine aides in weight loss by turning excess flab (also known as white fat) into brown fat that is capable of burning calories. The results of this study were published in the International Journal of Obesity.

How can wine help me lose weight?

Red wine has more benefits than any other type of alcohol. Due to its healthy components, wine can help you lose weight.


Red wine is rich in antioxidants, which are important for the overall health. The primary purpose of antioxidants is to fight free radicals and flush away toxins from your body. In turn, cells in your organism are protected, and the risk of getting various diseases is minimized. Consumption of one or two glasses a day can help you improve your heart health and lose weight.


Red wine contains a high level of resveratrol which is the component found in the skin of the grapes. Resveratrol in red wine aides in breaking down fats and decreases the amount of fat in one’s body which leads to weight loss.

Positive effect on weight loss isn’t the only benefit of resveratrol. More than 4400 studies have been conducted in order to investigate the benefits of this compound on our entire body. For example, resveratrol also prevents various cardiovascular diseases, improves blood flow and protects the lining of the arteries; it also reduces oxidative stress, improves cognitive abilities, prevents cancer and reduces muscle wasting associated with diabetes and cancer.


Polyphenols are antioxidants that can be found in red wine. In fact, red wine has a higher level of polyphenols than any other alcoholic beverage. Polyphenols are associated with cardiovascular benefits, regulation of blood sugar, cancer prevention, and weight loss. Polyphenols, including resveratrol, increase gene expressions, which improve oxidation of dietary fats. This oxidation prevents your body to become overloaded. Further, they convert white fat into brown fat that burns lipids (fats) off easily. This helps to keep your body in balance, prevents obesity and metabolic dysfunction.

Red wine improves HDL cholesterol

A study whose findings were presented at the European Conference on Obesity in Prague, Czech Republic discovered that two glasses of wine a day could significantly improve HDL cholesterol levels, also known as the “good” cholesterol.

Lower calorie consumption

Opting for red wine instead of high-calorie beverages like milkshakes, soda, etc. allows you to take fewer calories a day, which is essential for weight loss.

Also Watch: Calorie Counting: How Many Calories A Person Needs Daily?

Why red wine? What about white?

Besides their colour, red and white wine have many other differences as well. The reason you should opt for red wine is that it has more health benefits, including weight loss. For example:

Red wine has less natural sugar than white wine. For example, a glass of red wine contains 0.9g of natural sugar, while a glass of white wine has 1.4g.

Red wine has more iron than white wine

Red wine contains more magnesium than white

Red wine has more phosphorus and potassium

A glass of red wine contains 7mcg of lutein and zeaxanthin while a glass of white wine does not contain these carotenoids as well. Lutein and zeaxanthin also prevent macular degerantion and protect your eyes.

Red wine, also, has more choline, which prevents inflammation and protects the liver.

Red wine has more resveratrol than white whine – as mentioned above; resveratrol comes from the grape skin. Red wine is fermented with the grape skin longer than white wine, which means it also has more resveratrol too.

NOTE: don’t overdo it and remember; moderation is the key. One or two glasses a day is enough to get all the benefits.


According to various studies, red wine contains healthy components that not only protect our heart but also aide in weight loss. Naturally, this does not mean you should drink a few bottles of wine a day and try not to neglect physical activity and a healthy diet just yet.

Source: Consumer Health Digest, The Beauty Insiders


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