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Benefits Of Metformin Weight Loss

Metformin is sold under the Trade name Glucophage and is a prescription medicine used by doctors to cure type-2 diabetes. But recently research has shown that Glucophage can help non-diabetic in weight loss by acting as an appetite suppressant. It's not a certainty that Glucophage will help in weight loss, it depends on the reason behind the particular individual's excess weight.

Among the reasons for excess weight that are commonly occurring is that our body makes too much insulin, which in turn makes us fat. If the primary storage of fat of your body is your belly, you may want to have this cause checked for. What happens is that when you eat, our blood sugar level rises. The higher this blood sugar level rises the more the insulin level rises as well. The insulin controls the sugar in your blood but it also tells your brain that your hungry and causes the liver to convert and store any excess sugar (carbohydrates to fat). Thus you're overeating and gaining weight. What Glucophage does is to decrease the blood sugar level, thus your pancreas (the gland that makes insulin) doesn't release as much insulin and you don't feel hungry.

Benefits of Metformin weight Loss:

Remember that Glucophage is a prescription drug. You need to consult your doctor before taking it to help with weight loss. The many benefits that are possible from a Glucophage weight loss plan are;

1. Reduction in Insulin, testosterone and glucose levels: Glucophage is effective in reducing insulin, testosterone levels. The dropped insulin and glucose levels help to reduce weight while the lower testosterone levels are good for women. Men, on the other hand should be careful as lowering of testosterone may have adverse side-effects.

2. Helps Prevent Diabetes: research has shown that non-diabetics who use Glucophage to reduce weight also have a better chance of avoiding diabetes. If not entirely avoiding, they will at least have a delayed onset as compared to people who didn't take Glucophage for weight loss.

3. Reduces the risk for Heart Attack: individuals with type 2 diabetes have cluster of cardiovascular risk factors like visceral obesity, hypertension, high triglyceride and low high density lipoprotein (HDL) cholesterol levels, and hypofibrinolysis. This makes them more resistant to the effects of insulin and puts them at greater risk of heart attacks and strokes. Glucophage has shown on research to be able to reduce these effects The potentially preventive effects of metformin on type II diabetes and evolving cardiovascular complications include a decrease in total cholesterol and low density cholesterol (LDL), free fatty acids, tissue plasminogen activator antigen and insulin levels when patients present with symptoms of hypertension, dyslipidemia, visceral obesity or hyperglycemia.

4. Helps in PCOS: women suffering from polycystic ovary syndrome have been treated with Glucophage. Benefits included lipid lowering effects, reduction in systolic blood pressure, hyperinsulinemia and insulin resistance syndrome. Metformin has also been shown to aid in normal menstrual regulation and pregnancy.

Of course caution should be taken while using Glucophage; it's a prescription drug and the normal dosage may vary from person to person.

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