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theClarky.com as an image hosting website

On the previous blog post, I discussed one of my main inspirations for making theclarky.com. On this post I will discuss another purpose of theclarky.com which is to be an image hosting website.

An image hosting website offers a service which is to pave a way for users to upload their pictures online.

Imagine you want to upload an image on the internet. It is easy to do it if you are on facebook because there is already an easy way to upload pictures there and almost everyone knows how to do it these days.

However, when you are on a site where there is no “Upload button” just as it is on facebook, how are you going to upload your image online?

The answer is to use an image hosting website. An image hosting website is your “Upload button” everywhere on the internet.

All you have to do is to follow the instructions on the image hosting website on how to upload the image that you have.

In the case of theclarky.com it is very easy. Simply go to theclarky.com‘s Upload Page which is located on theclarky.com/u.php.

Then, select the image you want to upload by clicking the appropriate button there; put an accurate description on the description box; and hit the upload button.

Lastly, keep the URL so you can use it anywhere on the internet. It is super easy.

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