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Can Acupuncture Aid In Chronic Back Pain

Acupuncture is an ancient medical procedure, which is commonly used for the treatment of physical and mental disorders. It can restore proper energy flow to the organs, glands and tissues of the body. The interruption of energy flow and transmission can result in organ malfunction, disease, and pain. Many people are moving toward this type of treatment rather than more conventional ones.

Acupuncture techniques consist of several methods of stimulation, such as long needle insertion, short needle insertion, non-piercing needles, finger-tip pressure, metallic balls taped to the points, electrical stimulation, and moxabustion, focusing on specific points of the body to provide relief from chronic pain and many other issues. Acupuncture can cure an extensive range of disorders, including neurological, respiratory, digestive, and skin related disorders. There are many practitioners in Des Moines specializing in acupuncture treatment.

Acupuncture is an effective method to stimulate the muscles to relieve tension and chronic back pain. It is a safe and effective method performed by experienced and well qualified experts to deliver effective results in a short time without causing any side effect. It can stimulate the central nervous system, and release chemicals into the muscles, spinal cord, and brain that can either produce bodily changes that promote a sense of well-being or alter the experience of pain.

Generally, chronic back pain is caused by poor posture, and the conventional methods used to lessen this type of pain can result in a low to average improvement. Back pain can also be caused by:

1. The lower back is subject to a lot of mechanical strain and stress
2. Lifting heavy objects
3. A sudden movement can cause muscles or ligaments to stretch
4. Over-exertion at the gym
5. Spinal stenosis, Spondylitis and Fibromyalgia.

Practitioners in Des Moines of acupuncture have various treatments that they can use to alleviate chronic back pain. This includes various pressure points on the skin that have effects on nerves and pain. Make sure to spend time researching online and asking your friends about their experiences with acupuncture to help you narrow down the right acupuncturist for you. Be sure to include patient reviews in your research, and if you have any lingering questions, feel free to call various offices for more information, or to speak with the acupuncturist to see if they are right for you.

People suffering with chronic back pain can experience long term benefits from acupuncture treatment. This is a proven ancient technique with no side effects. As you move through your treatment schedule, your sessions may become longer to give your body sufficient time to adapt to the results of pressure point stimulation. This is an effective strategy for long-term results.

If you are suffering from constant back pain, and have yet to find an effective solution, give acupuncture a try. It is non-invasive and side effect free, so you have nothing to lose.  Speak with an acupuncturist to get details on specific treatments, treatments schedules, and to find out if acupuncture is the right option for you.

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