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Stop Starving to Lose weight. Control your appetite rather!

How to control your appetite

The sight of scrumptious delicious foods makes a ‘hungry mans’ and ‘not so hungry mans’ mouth, to water alike. All the tribute goes to our appetite hub the very extraordinary brain which is full of activity in its own inherent thoughts as what to do next relentlessly. It keeps working even when we sleep and takes us through a virtual journey deep within ourselves. When it comes to controlling appetite it is hard to battle with the craving area of the brain which makes us kind of addicts towards certain food choices.

So here are a few ways by which you can curb your appetite without battling with the brain.

Stop starving

The best way to not feel hungry is to eat well but make mindful choices when it comes to food. Don’t just eat anything plan a meal that contains more of nutrients than those which are an entertainment to the taste buds. Prefer broccoli with some lean chicken over a high fat food that isn’t going to do any good for your body.

Glue yourself to fibers

Many studies have proved that consuming fibers can make your stomach fuller and help you to curb your appetite by reducing hunger pangs for long hours.  It does not make your brain think about foods to fill your stomach or make your sweet tooth active. Most of the fruits, cereals and certain vegetables are rich in fiber so start including them in your diet. Help your intestines to absorb and process food for the better.

Go liquid

Drink water as much as possible or go for low fat soups that are made up of vegetable broth or chicken broth which are not only good for your health but also helps to fill your stomach more easily without making your feel hungry.

Chew and churn your food

Don’t just swallow your food make use of your 32 small grinding machines god has gifted you.  The more you chew your food the less you tend to eat according to certain studies. So with each bite run your machines to do the job

Keep yourself engaged

Dong nothing is a great trigger for the brain to come up with weird thoughts like craving for foods like chocolates or order a high calorie food from a favorite restaurant. At times we find it so hard to resist our brain and we end up giving heed to it. So the best way is indulge yourself in gardening, crafts or any other activity that keeps your evergreen brain busy.

Conclusion: Train your brain to make mindful choices by practicing right eating habits than resisting it. You can do this by avoiding junk foods so that with time your brain will forget the taste linked with that particular food.

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