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Can Alcohol Prevent Weight Loss? – How To Drink Without Gaining Weight

Weight loss have always been a topic of discussion. Everyone wants to eat as much as they can but still look slim and toned. Well things don’t work that way and we get disappointed every time we look at the mirror. There is no miracle fruit that will make you less hungry and shrink your chubby ankles in a jiffy.

Sure weight loss does occur but that’s just a temporary phase and once you are lean you go back to the ol’ routine of eating useless junk foods. The result is predictable. So what is the permanent cure?

Key is in eating the right foods such as whole grains, veggies, nuts, fruits and seeds that make sense in keeping you proportionate at all times. If you are a non-vegetarian, fishes such as mackerel, salmon, tuna contains healthy fats that tone you down while maintaining the muscle density.

Role of alcohol in weight loss

Now what about booze? If you are an occasional drinker say couple of times a month, there is really no harm there. But if you are habituated to alcohol, then its time to let it go atleast till you get your body in shape. While eliminating it completely is the best choice, many people find it difficult to let it go.

If you are serious about shedding that extra pounds, then you need to cut back on alcohol without a doubt. Alcohol can have a huge impact when it comes to gaining weight and reversing it can be quite difficult to do if you are a regular drinker.

When you take the first shot, 25% of the alcohol goes directly to bloodstream from the stomach while rest is taken via bowel. Based on many factors such as amount of food consumed, if the drink is carbonated, concentration level of alcohol etc., the process of alcohol is carried on by the liver. For instance, if you drink on a full stomach, it takes around 10 hours for the liver to process them. This means that more consumption will lead to rise in the blood alcohol content.

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5 Ways Alcohol affects your body

When it comes to alcohol, many nutritionists refer it as ‘empty calories’ since it does not provide any nutrition to your body. To make matters worse, alcohol can postpone the fat burning process. Here are five health concerns when it comes to affects of alcohol on health and weight loss.

Twice The Calories

With seven calories a gram, alcohol delivers twice as many protein and carbs. Alcohol can be deceptive and before the person can realize he might had too many drinks. Worst are wine, beer or certain cocktails that contain high amount of carbohydrate and fat. Carbs release insulin that can speedify the fat storage directly in the fat cells.

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No Self-Consciousness

When you drink, you tend to relax and lose sight of how many drinks you are having. This feeling of loosing the inhibitions simply means more calorie consumption and extra body fat. Alcohol also has an appetite stimulating quality which makes matters worse and you will be looking for more wrong foods that is the recipe for bad fat.

Alcohol Can Damage The Vital Organs

Alcohol is a by-product of yeast digestion that naturally has the tendency to irritate the vital organs of body such as stomach lining, kidneys, liver etc. This without a doubt could lead to detrimental health conditions or even prove fatal in many cases. A weak stomach will obviously lose its natural effect of digesting foods that intereferes with aiding in proper metabolism and weight loss process.

Liver is vital to detoxify the body and maintain a healthy body composition. Alcohol can hinder the process of cleansing and reverse the effect.

Lowers The Testosterone

Testosterone is an anabolic hormone that is essential for proper weight loss and has a major role in providing muscle mass. Low testosterone means excess fat and low muscle not to mention lesser metabolism. If you are dealing with low metabolism the job of weight loss is inhibited. Alcohol causes the body to low the metabolic rate and prohibits testosterone from delivering its full effect on weight loss.

Increases Appetite

As mentioned above, alcohol can increase hunger in the body and I need not say much about the combo of alcohol and a heavy meal can lead to. A Canadian study showed that alcohol when consumed before a meal can increase the calorie intake.

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