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Food addiction and how to avoid it

Do you remember when you developed the habit of emotional eating? Many of my friends remembered how they were a skinny and active child till the age of 9 or 10 and then suddenly were stuffing themselves with an entire bar of chocolate or a large packet of potato chips or two to three cupcakes, one after another. This is almost always the beginning of out-of-control emotional eating stories. If you are desperate to know how to stop emotional eating you must introspect and find out if you are suffering from food addiction.

Researchers found that for some people there is a reward-and-pleasure center in the brain that gets triggered by highly tasty foods, the way addictive drugs like cocaine or heroin work. Foods that are rich in sugar, fat and salt create food addiction easily. Such foods trigger brain chemicals like dopamine. When someone develops food addiction they also show signs of lack of tolerance to food. As a result, they eat more and more without getting satiated. The process is purely psychological and there is no factor like ‘love for food’ involved in it. And, there is no need to feel the guilt: ‘what’s wrong with me?’ People who went through this phase tried for years to understand why they were doing this to themselves.

So, if you ask how to stop emotional eating, the answer lies in the question itself. Stop being emotional about food: do not use food as a tool to control, monitor or cope with negative feelings. With some simple yet wonderful techniques like EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques or tapping) that helps you come out of this habit of emotional eating. Check out the Internet today and learn about tapping to know how to stop emotional eating. Emotional eating always results in overeating that again can lead to poor self-esteem and weight gain and all other physiological problems like diabetes or hypertension.

Though it is generally believed that only obese people suffer from food addiction scientists have proofs to show that people having normal weight may struggle with it too. But their bodies are genetically programmed to handle the extra calories better. Increased physical activity may also cancel the effect of overeating. If you ask the experts how to stop emotional eating they would advise you to adopt some means to break the cycle of compulsive eating. EFT can be that simple tool to stop emotional eating.

There are videos and useful articles on how to stop emotional eating with the help of body tapping. There are experts who can explain your food addiction scientifically and chalk out customized plans to fight it out. It is said that coming out of addiction of food is far more difficult than that of addiction for alcohol as people may abstain from drinking alcohol, but food addicts must still have food. You need to handle this situation tactfully and soon before you developed the uncontrolled habit of eating foods that are not right for you. Talk to experts, read their blogs and motivate yourself to practice tapping, meditation etc. to fight this silent killer.

The answer to the question how to stop emotional eating lies in the science of food addiction.

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