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Obesity impacts the ability to get pregnant in women

Obesity or extra fats in the body of women lowers the chances of getting pregnant. Obesity impacts the fertility of women because it damages the inhibiting normal ovulation.  Obesity also impacts outcome of in vitro fertilization (IVF) negatively in females. The more the woman’s BMI increases, the more the chances of unsuccessful in vitro fertilization.

Having extra weight or fats during the pregnancy increases the danger of many pregnancy complications:

A certain type of diabetes called Gestational Diabetes is more likely to happen during the time of pregnancy of a woman. Gestational Diabetes affects the health of a woman badly during diabetes. That is the reason why doctors advice not to take any kind of stress or any medicine without consulting a specialist doctor.

Women with extra weight and fats in the body are more prone to high blood pressure and protein in the urine which again is a serious issue during pregnancy

Obesity is the major cause of postpartum infection in the women during pregnancy. Also obese women suffer a great deal of problem during pregnancy due to urinary tract infections.

Obesity also causes the formation of a blood clot inside a blood vessel called thrombosis which is a serious problem during pregnancy of a woman.

Obesity is a major cause of obstructive sleep apnea in women during the time of pregnancy. This is basically a sleep disorder in which breathing frequently stops and starts and causes serious health hazards to the health of pregnant woman.

It has been found in many cases that due to obesity the pregnancy lasts longer  than expected due time which again is not good for the health of the pregnant women. 

Obese women are more prone to face the labor problems during the time of pregnancy

Elective or urgent C-section problems are also the major causes of obesity during the pregnancy of a woman. Women with high body mass index are fewer chances to have a completely successful vaginal delivery post C-section (VBAC).


A high body mass index and obesity also causes miscarriage and stillbirth. 

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