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Prepare Your Mind To Lose Weight


Weight loss is a constant battle for many people. It’s an endless stream of diets that either do not work or do not give us the result that we want. It’s money wasted on gym memberships, equipment and pills or shakes that just give us more problems than when we started. There’s always a new diet or equipment or exercise or shake coming out in the market that it’s hard to believe which ones will work.

But how? Hypnotherapists use hypnosis to program the subconscious mind to think and feel positive thoughts when it comes to weight loss. Hypnotherapists put you in a relaxed state and target your subconscious mind and your emotions. Targeting your subconscious lessens the chances of giving in to temptation and replaces your urges and cravings with feelings of contentment and satisfaction. 

Before you put yourself in the therapist’s chair though, it’s beneficial to reset your mind to get the best results from the session. Be realistic and don’t stress. Four out of five times, we fail at weight loss because we weren’t realistic with our goals. You don’t have to downplay your goals, but it has to be within your limitations. For example, losing ten pounds in a week is not realistic but losing it in about 4-5 weeks may happen.  

Use your imagination. Imagine the new body you want to have, what you’ll be wearing, how your hair will look like, how you’ll walk and how you’ll present yourself to the world. This is important because your hypnotherapist will work with your imagined future self and plant it in your subconscious so you’ll always remember. 

Stay positive. Thinking negative thoughts forces you to be ashamed of our bodies and punish us, setting our emotions in a rollercoaster ride. 

During the session, hypnotherapists will put you in a relaxed state to tap your subconscious. He will act as your coach and prescribe a strategy for change. Visualization is usually used, especially for hypnotherapy weight loss. This is where your imagination steps in and you’ll imagine your new body and how you feel with your new body. 

The hypnotherapist then feeds you with encouraging strategies to achieve that body. He could suggest to your subconscious that at certain times of the day, you feel the need to exercise at that moment. He could also suggest that you eat whatever you want, but to only eat a few mouthfuls. But mostly he’ll focus on the feeling of being healthy and not just thinking it. 

hypnotherapy weight loss is still a method that requires only one single 3 hour session. Hypnotherapy can work wonders for you and finally get you that body you want.

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