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How to burn fat by Exercise;

A calorie is the fuel needed for the functioning of organs present in the body. Intake of too many calories is supposed to store excess fat in Human body. It is important to burn this extra fat to avoid health issues.  The risk of fat includes high blood pressure, diabetes, and certainly damages the heart resulting in strokes and heart disease. In the recent days, we hear a lot about fat burning and Fat burning exercises. How to select the best fat burning exercise? The level of Fat burned is based on the intensity of the exercise you undergo.

Cardio Exercise to burn Fat:
Cardio exercises both slow and high Intensity Cardio helps to burn significant amount of fat present in the body. Cardio exercises include step aerobics, swimming, bicycling, running, rowing and walking and much more. Of all, these exercises are found to be much convenient to workout.
Walking Benefits:
Brisk walking daily in the morning and evening is easier to do and it burns up to 180 calories for every 30 minutes. This is the main reason why doctors advice to make walking as a regular practice. Power walking is the term coined to denote walking at increased intensity. This typically burns much calories and it is the easiest among toughest of all.

Cycling advantage:
Cycling can be done both indoor and outdoor. Doing cycling outdoor is an excellent activity. You can see that Kids are healthy for they use to do cycling around the streets. Similar formula is applicable for adults too. Cycling can burn fat considerably. The intensity depends on how fast you ride. While in Indoor, cycling can be done with machines. Here intensity can be set to high and rigorous and hard cycling can be done which burns calorie fast. It can burn from 200 to 400 calories within 30 minutes.

Running Benefits:
Running burns nearly 300 calories in 30 minutes. But the disadvantage of running is that the person should have strong knees. For aged people, running is not the best exercise since it hurts their knee bones and damages muscles. For others, running can be done in regular intervals. For any kind of exercising activity, remember that overtraining affect the muscles and breakdown it.

To lift weight, you need to concentrate and put your strength to lift it. It is one of the high intensity activities. Once if you are capable of doing weight lifting, then you can undergo any other rigorous practice. It serves as a good foundation.

The best Fat Burning Foods to take:
Start eating snacks. Snacking is proven to help in increasing the metabolic rate. Don’t take junk food for snacking. Take nuts that are high protein choice. Water is the next best thing for losing calories. Water is needed to increase the metabolic rate. Usually at fitness center, it will be recommended to take water regularly between quick intervals of time. Eight glasses of water should be atleast consumed. Take healthy proteins like seafood, yogurt, lean meat, egg whites, nuts, or beans into your meals and snacks.

Author’s Content:

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