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Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss Lesson #50

I was watching a spiritual program recently and the person asked a question and then his answer really caught me off guard. I’m going to ask you the question he asked and then give you his answer. It will definitely make you think.

What is the richest place on earth? Is it the diamond mines, oil fields….what could be the richest place on earth?

Okay, here’s what this person said. He said, “It’s the cemetery.” When I heard this, I was very perplexed. How could a cemetery be the richest place on earth?

Here is his rationale for this answer. Many people have died with the music still in them. Pointing to the imaginary gravestones, he elaborates that here’s one that had a book inside that never got written. Here’s another one who had an idea to start a business, but never started it. Here’s another one who had an idea for a product, but never stepped in faith to follow through.

He had so many examples of the richness that lies in all of us, but so many don’t commit to action and follow their passion. Did you know that only 1% of the population is actually living their purpose? This is why he is trying to spread his message that we all have something within us that we’re supposed to share with the world. Like Louise Hay says, “Somewhere someone is looking for exactly what we have to offer.”

When we are functioning from fear and getting caught up in our struggles, our connection to God is corroded. This affects our body adversely. We can’t even imagine living our purpose because we don’t feel well. God intends that we live as vibrant human beings sharing our talents, our gifts—our earthly purpose.

When our bodies are not functioning optimally, we can’t see any possibilities. Our body is begging us to nurture it with all the right components to be vibrant. Then it’s automatic to be dedicating our life to our intended purpose because we feel so good. When you feel great, you automatically think in terms of “GGRREEEAATTT!”

What are the riches that are within you? What do you have that someone is looking for? When are you going to make a commitment to your health so that you can start living your purpose?

As Wayne Dyer says, “Contemplate yourself as surrounded by the conditions which you want to produce.”

When you’re overweight, you have stuff there. I’m here to help you live vibrantly—clear the emotional baggage that keeps you from moving forward and also give you the nutrients your body needs with the Isagenix products. It’s the simple process of cleansing the body and cleansing the thoughts.
What are you going to do today to move forward?

Love and hugs,

Helping people fall in love…with themselves
Tami Close
Weight Loss Consultant
2916 N.W. Bucklin Hill Rd. #291
Silverdale, WA 98383

Tami Close helps people fall in love…with themselves. She is a weight loss consultant and uses an integrative method, including cleansing and nutritional products from Isagenix, in her weight balancing program. She is certified in healing modalities (Rapid Eye Technology and Emotional Freedom Techniques) to assist people in releasing their negative emotions to help them change their behavior. Tami is a recipient of a grant from the Sumasil Grant Foundation in her work with RET and EFT. She is a master trainer and has a B.S. in Training and Development. She is a #1 best selling co-author with Mark Victor Hansen, Wayne Dyer and Deepak Chopra, Wake Up…Live the Life You Love Finding Personal Freedom. She has also written an e-book, Close Kept Secrets to Weight Loss, along with other e-books. http://www.tamiclose.com

Article Source: http://EzineArticles.com/?expert=Tami_Close

Tami Close - EzineArticles Expert Author
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